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Come and get your love?


Apr 28, 2005, 7:25 PM
Make sure you watch the commercials 😕

http://www.alltel.com/news/news_releases/05/april/n4 ... »

Apr 29, 2005, 6:29 PM
I actually like them alot. No negativity towards any other carriers, just a focus on the customer, just as it should be!

"It ain't broke, it just needs duct tape!"

Apr 30, 2005, 7:41 PM
lol you should have seen our reaction when they showed us in a meeting 😛

Jun 12, 2005, 3:44 PM
Yes, I agree that the commercials are clever and funny, but since most of the country doesn't know WHO Alltel is, they might wanna clarify that they are a cell carrier. I work in So.Florida market (that just recently bought out US Cellular) and most people don't even realize that A. the store says Alltel outside (not USCell) and B. their contracts are now owned by Alltel. Anyway...I'd like to see them mention something about being the "soon-to-be largest carrier as far as OWNING towers" (it's obviously gonna take them several years to develop a customer base such as fellow CDMA-er Verizon.

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