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Benefits of becoming Verizon Wireless Agent vs Alltel


Jul 4, 2008, 5:17 PM
Does any one know what the benefits of becoming Verizon Wireless Agent vs Alltel Agent may be?



DOA Process?

Warranty Repair Process?

Do VZW Angents have to buy phones upfront?

Activation process speedy?

how does Co-op work?

Is your phone vender srictly Verizon if not please list?

Any thing else that possibly could be different for the better or worse?

Jul 11, 2008, 4:44 PM
what the hell dose that link do for answering his question.... 🤨

Jul 11, 2008, 8:43 PM
It directs you to someone who can probably give you the answers. Didn't see anyone posting much more help.

Jul 12, 2008, 1:54 PM
at this point in the game, what is the point of being an alltel agent? alltel is being bought by vzw, so eventually you'll be vzw. start with them now so you dont have the headache of switching later, or even worse, being "let go"

Jul 12, 2008, 3:11 PM
I've been an Alltel Agent for over 3 years now, I have invested my lively hood with them and am trying to get some heads up on my families future. Besides if someone would be trying to start an agency you can only put verizon in verizon markets. Where I am from you can not put a verizon store in at this point cause they don't own the market here.

Jul 12, 2008, 3:46 PM
It sucks just as bad for corporate retail employees...

Just keep doing what you do, do it better...and when the time comes, you'll learn what's going to happen with the transition and decide what to do next.

Jul 14, 2008, 4:05 PM
no insider information but here is what i think!!!

The FCC WILL make VW/Alltel diverge some markets in order to preserve the threat of a monopoly. Some of these markets will be bought by other carriers forcing a different buyout arrangement then before. In the long run you will see it go through for the most part with some markets being spun off the real question is how much?

If you are an agent in an existing verizon wireless market you might be offered partnerships with Verizon if your store is not surrounded by verizon stores or you are part of an area that has an exclusive agent.

In your case you are not. So most likely the corporate Alltel stores will be hit the worse and you will be allowed to convert over to verizon. ...

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