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LG Glimmer ?'s


Jun 24, 2008, 9:29 PM
Ok can someone help me with my ringer volume I cnat figure out how to turn it up and nxt to the battery icon at the top there is a icon with a slash through it I am not able to locate what this is
Oh yea one other question is ther a way to change how long the display stays on it seems to shut the screen off prety fast and then you have to hold down a buton to get it to come back on I like this phone but unlike others I an having a time at figuring out the features.

Thanks for any help

Jun 25, 2008, 12:39 AM
the target (circle with crosshair) with a slash through it means that your location service is off and that only E911 location service is enabled (which you cannot disable) so basically if you wanted to you navigation services, like turn by turn directions you would want to turn location on and the slash would go away but otherwise if you dial 911 the operator will be able to locate where your at!

ringer volume, use the rocker switch/keys on the right side of your phone and press the one on top

display timeout, go to menu>settings>display>backlight> and change the time you would like the backlight to stay on

Jun 25, 2008, 8:56 PM
that phone defaults to ring escalation - no way to change that. it will start soft then get louder - by design. not sure if that was what you were looking for but it may help.

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