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Swapping Storm For Curve


Feb 16, 2009, 11:56 PM
The BlackBerry Storm is by far the worst phone Ive ever owned. I got the Storm on release day and am currently on my 4th replacement phone. Each phone I have had has been plagued with horrible software issues and terrible build quality. My most recent Storm was replaced because of dust under the screen.
Ive contacted Verizon and complained about how the Storm is unusable, citing its frequent lock ups and need for several battery pulls per day. The customer service rep agreed with me and wrote a note on my account so that I could go to the store and exchange my Storm for different phone model. The service rep said my best option would be to switch to the Curve. When I asked about the Omnia he said "i do not recommend it" which I found shock...

Feb 17, 2009, 12:12 AM
Wow 😲 4 replacements. I'd say your pretty lucky. I'm surprised VZW hasn't sent you a replacement of their choosing and told you to live with it or leave.

4 replacements and you want something newer that what's currently available (justify it anyway you want) but it sounds like you've made up your mind, you don't want the BB Storm weather it worked fine or not.
I mean others seem to like it just fine, albeit after some firmware updates.

https://www.phonescoop.com/phones/user_reviews.php?p ... »

So I'd say count your blessings before VZW cuts you off.

Feb 17, 2009, 12:23 AM
Oh wow i didnt mean to personally offend you. But Verizon sold me a product that cannot accomplish the things i was told it could.
Also these replacements have nothing to do with Verizon RIM is the company that has to pay for them.
So as for Verizon cutting me off as long as i pay my bill for my 4 lines that wont be a problem.

Feb 17, 2009, 3:00 AM
I got the BB Bold from AT&T and it works great.

Feb 17, 2009, 8:27 AM
no one cares about your AT&T.

Your downgrading in coverage.

there 3G sucks.

They have some of the worse ratings along with Sprint.

There customer service is crap.

They use to think they had all the pride and joy in the world, but no anymore.

AT&T has become a very very poor network.

We are getting the bold soon, the new curve, and the pearl flip.

so GO away if you want to switch.

Feb 17, 2009, 11:02 AM
Dude...you gotta take it easy. You've been in spouting off about everything under the sun. Some right, some wrong. But you and 1 sentence paragraphs need to just chill out so you can be a productive member of this forum and not someone screaming the same thing over and over.

Sorry to hate a little bit, but you have a great passion for verizon, we just gotta channel it, lol.


Feb 17, 2009, 11:06 AM
Typical attitude of kids. If you do like it go away. Thanks for the info "tylerrocks".

Far as the 2nd post he was refering to the exchange policy. Usually after many replacement you get a "alternate" replacement and thats that. Honestly. Sometime people get lemon after lemon. I have a friend that has a BB storm since day of release and he is seriously in love with it. I can't talk to him without him bragging about it. Every phone has bugs when it first comes out. BB's aren't excluded. The first BB with a touch screen? That has updates imprinted on its main screen. Something you'll have to get use to if you are getting top of the line or first in production products. Take the 360 for example. I don't know a single person that hasn't excha...

Feb 17, 2009, 5:55 PM
Why are you getting mad at me? I'm just giving advice to a person asking a qeustion. Do you get paid to defend Verizon?

My advice is to get a phone that performs the tasks you need. Unfortunatly, Verizon does not offer that. You have said that Verizon is coming out with the Bold, WHEN? The Bold is a great device that is already out and available. Why wait for Verizon and what is taking so long if they are in fact going to carry it?

Feb 17, 2009, 9:52 PM
tylerrocks09 said:
no one cares about your AT&T.

Your downgrading in coverage.

there 3G sucks.

They have some of the worse ratings along with Sprint.

There customer service is crap.

They use to think they had all the pride and joy in the world, but no anymore.

AT&T has become a very very poor network.

We are getting the bold soon, the new curve, and the pearl flip.

so GO away if you want to switch.

First, AT&T has faster 3g when compared to verizon. Second, grammar is fun...

Feb 18, 2009, 9:58 AM
faster... possibly.

But their footprint (how much of an area is covered) is a lot smaller.

Tyler is an angry little lawn gnome.

Feb 17, 2009, 6:01 PM
Sorry to hear that you have had problems with your storm. I have had mine for about 2 months with no problems at all. I like it a lot. If customer service allows you to get a curve now, they will not allow you another phone in a couple of months. If you are waiting for other phones to come in couple of months, then get a new storm and ride it out for a couple of months til the phone comes out you want. Brancieri does not seem to understand that it is a long process to get a phone released on a carrier, especially when one carrier has exclusive rights to it. So it is not as easy as " AT&T has it, why doesn't verizon have it." A lot time and money goes into building and developing each device. Hopes this helps, good luck.

Feb 17, 2009, 6:17 PM
I do understand that it takes alot of time, however from a consumer perspective; if a carrier offers a device at a certain point in time and it works great why wait for another carrier to release the same device. Especially when the carrier has a reputation of disabling features in devices that other carriers do not disable. And by the time Verizon releases it, it may have already been out for a year.

I understand Verizon now has released the GPS radio in its smartphones, but I can not verify that. My Omnia does not allow the GPS to work unless it's with VZ navigator. I do not plan on updating the firmware since I may be selling the phone soon.

Feb 18, 2009, 9:55 AM
everybody I know with a curve has fully functioning GPS since the day it was unlocked. Trust me, its been "verified".

The issue is all of these exclusive deals. Thats whats killing this industry. RIM needs to have simultaneous engineering where they are working on GSM and CDMA phones at the same time. Currently, I don't think they really do that.

Feb 18, 2009, 10:14 AM
Sorry to hear you're having issues with your phone. My co-worker has one and love it. He is using the leaked software from Crackberry though.

The reason that rep might have told you to stay away from the omnia is because it is VERY different from blackberry's. I've messed around with both the storm and the omnia, and off the two I would take the storm simply because Windows mobile is very difficult to navigate imo. The people who like WM seem to love the phone though, so I don't think there is anything wrong with the device as far as I've heard.

The Curve is a great device and is fully capable of any business needs you might have. While I doubt they'll give you a phone to "borrow," if you can hold out on the storm you might be a...

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