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Poor Verizon customers...


Jul 1, 2007, 8:39 PM
You guys are AWESOME! Jumping ship.....breaking your contracts...bringing your whole family over just because of the iPhone. LOL It's pretty hilarious. I watched you line up in DROVES with your VZW bills in hand on the 29th... sweating your brains off in the sweltering heat while you waited for 6pm.... Apple said "NO WAITING LISTS" but i still have a large spreadsheet with email addresses chuck full of Verizon customers dying to port their numbers over when we get our next shipment in. It must be tough to watch AT&T and Apple grace the homepages of CNN, Yahoo, USA today basking in the media limelight as the country awes in lieu of the iPhone. Verizon still has.........well........that chocolate thing goin on (and in 4 different flavors!)


Jul 2, 2007, 8:07 AM
Your post is true. Their are alot of us verizon customers who did that. BUT

Jul 4, 2007, 10:27 AM
Honestly, the phone is cool but its an overhyped product that will have people buying the phone who really shouldn't. Same thing that happened with the chocolate. I'll bet half the phones bought weren't because the people wanted it for their own personal use but to make money off of ebay and craigslist. I almost decided to buy the iPhone for my AT&T line but after playing with it I realized it was more of a multimedia device rather than something that would work great as an everyday phone. The sound quality on it was horrible in my opinion and the keyboard was definitely a disappointment. The actual dialing pad was great though. All in all it's a great product for AT&T and will obviously be a great vehicle for them to ride while the hype is ...

Jul 2, 2007, 8:37 AM
Why has this forum become nothing more then a Verizon bashing outlet? Isn't there anything good at all to say about this phone?

Jul 2, 2007, 8:43 AM
I should have added that to even bring Verizon into the conversation is crazy. VZ was offer the phone first by Apple and didn't want it. Apple had to settle for ATT for that reason alone. My guess is that VZ didn't want to give up control of their policies to one of their vendors and jeopardize their relation with all their others. I would also guess that ATT would havedone he same. If am not mistaken this was done by Cingular in their hours of desperation before the ATT buyout was approved.

Jul 2, 2007, 8:53 AM
You are right about VZW basically when apple offered the Iphone to Carriers. AT&T was the only one willing to give Apple Carte Blanche on it. Baiscally AT&T took a gamble and sign the contarct without seeing the product. Will this work remains to be seen. we are less than a week after launch. and with stories both good and bad coming out. Also don't leave VZW out I'm sure big things are coming.

Jul 2, 2007, 11:33 PM
Good post!

Jul 2, 2007, 10:09 AM
They are all jealous. Seriously.

Jul 2, 2007, 9:04 AM
Wow you must work cingular, or AT&T, or Bellsouth, or whatever you call yourself this week. and actually no, there’s no more people leaving than normal, matter a fact I think...no wait I know just like all cell phones (didn’t we see this same hype on a smaller scale with the Razr?) its new product hype. Truth is yeah it’s a decent phone, but it’s still a 1st generation handset. Isn’t the battery that came in it already 2nd gen because the first one would hold a charge? I always look at it as the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. I have Verizon and there no way I’ll lessen myself to a phased out substandard network for any 4-5-6 hundred dollar phone. My phone actually has more features and cost 199.99, why the heck would I go out ...

Jul 3, 2007, 10:31 AM
First get your facts right, Apple made the decission to run on EDGE to provide better battery life for their users, though they also give you Wi-Fi.

Second Verizon is no longer the top of the heap. They've lost a very large market, and it's going to hurt them. Nothing they release will compete because people want the iPhone, they don't want the creative labs phones or the microsoft phone.

Jul 3, 2007, 10:44 AM
Im with Verizon and i have a palm 700p...

In case you dont know it dose everything an iphone dose and more. I can play just about any file i want (DIVX ACC mpeg4 ect). i have google maps. and i can access my pc and stream video and mp3s to my treo. Also.. my data access is 5 times faster than ATT.

although iphone has a sweet operating system.. i honestly have to say my 700p matches and dose more than the iphone. though not is such a sexy way..

That said i have to agree that Iphone software is Very impressive. Everyone is pissy when verizon cut out phones abilities. Iphone even though is very cool to use, dose have Many Limitations.

Any how i dont know why verizon denied the exclusive of iphone.. seams like they want to be the one...

Jul 4, 2007, 2:32 PM
miacol said:

Second Verizon is no longer the top of the heap. They've lost a very large market, and it's going to hurt them. Nothing they release will compete because people want the iPhone, they don't want the creative labs phones or the microsoft phone.

Where are the numbers supporting this huge market loss?

The iphone has been out less then a week. Even if VZW does lose market share, it will take time to quantify it.

VZW isn't run by idiots, if they had thought the iPhone was going to be as revolutionary as the Apple/AT&T fan boys were proclaiming, they would have signed on the dotted line. They saw the iPhone for what it is, a possibly decent product with a extremely bloated hype surroundin...

Jul 5, 2007, 9:31 PM
VZW is run by idiots, Vodafone a major owner of Verizon Wireless has been pushing VZW to move to GSM a world standard so it can get all the same phones, but the VZW management does not want to move because it will cut into their profit.

Was the iPhone Hyped, extremely overly hyped, is the product good, yes. it delivered what it said and not more ad not less. Though people would like to create ideas that they promised more and complain.

The market share that VZW lost, VZW sold off VZW Latin America to focus on the USA. Those 17 countries network was purchased by one company who less then a month after the purchased said it was moving to GSM.

VZW lost that market share, we are looking at a world market these days not a USA only.

Jul 3, 2007, 12:05 AM
Last time I checked Verizon leads in net adds and churn every quarter. If I worked for AT&T I would be estatic about the Iphone since At&T has been dominated for 2+ years by Verizon. The Iphone will only prolong the inevitable of Verizon taking over total customers. Don't look back not even your Iphone or buying customers can save you now.

Jul 3, 2007, 12:45 AM
Not to mention they just bought another 1.7 million from Cellular One/Dobson. With the few days left in the 2nd quarter will see if AT&T pads it customer based in their results with Cellular One plus the 250,000 or so new to AT&T iphone customers.

Jul 3, 2007, 12:51 AM
I agree eric...i happen to work for vzw....but am not bias....Telephia gives all the reports that we use in the meetings...not generated by us...JD Power puts our cust service as number one...alot of people seem to think that we will give them a huge ass credit and are shocked when we dont. and call it bad customer service...lol....EVDO is growing by leaps and bounds every month...lol...if we buy out alltell (we all know its going to happen) we will have the largest network out there....and as far as the iphone coming to vzw..yes it was offered to vzw first..both companies could not come to an agreement....vzw has its own music service it is trying promote...and apple has itunes...both companies wanted to use its own music service....which A...

Jul 3, 2007, 9:38 AM
Check your Blackberry agreement. All Blackberry's require a Data Plan $24.99 or $44.99 with VZW, I wouldn't doubt it if Blackberry gets a cut of the profits. So why not Apple?

Jul 3, 2007, 10:43 PM
yes...but the thing about that...is the blackberry server is processing everything that goes through those devises....email...webpages...EVERYTHING IS TIED TO THE SERVER...that is why when the server went down a month or so again....ALL THE BLACK BERRY CUST. lost there email...so they have a valid reason....this is also know is push....the iphone uses what i call a software simulated push....aka pull device.....where the software is taught or insturcted to check email at set intervals...on blackberry the server does all the work for the device....so blackberry actually earns there money..this is why they are as good as they are....apple is not really doing any processing for there devices.....

Jul 3, 2007, 10:40 AM
Actually I have better service with ATT then VZW. VZW we had dropped calls, could not grab a signal and had issues in buildings. Mind you I always buy expensive phones and nothing. Customer Service was horrible and my bill was always wrong, by the way they still owe me 6 months of data charges that I did not use.

Now I am not going to tell you ATT is sweeter, greener whatever, but you know what when I call at least they try to help out. They credit wrong usage (which is rare), my bill looks the same, they have no problems walking me through the bill (Verizon was like can't you read the bill). I have excellent service and rarely experience a drop call. I have had my run in with Customer Service, but few and far apart.

By the way I...

Jul 3, 2007, 10:34 AM
I dought Verizon will take over Verizon is not even an international player, they can no longer compete without converting to GSM (An International Standard by the way).

I left Verizon, because of poor customer service, cheap ugly phones, and bad service and I have never looked back. ATT has always been good to me and my family. There is no one of my family left on VZW and we have never looked back.

Jul 3, 2007, 10:52 AM
says the words (An international standard by the way) again it was good.

Also say "Never looked back" again. they way you said it twice was so funny.

vzn data speeds are about 4 times faster than att.
With ATT its like the good old days od dial up modem.

and I never looked back.

I have att (cin) for a week. drove down a major highway and lost signal many times.. i was like wtf and canceled..

the ONLY time i loose signal with VZN is then im imbeaded deep in a walmart

Jul 4, 2007, 3:50 PM
Last time I checked, Verizon leads the industry in customer service representatives who can't do math. Don't believe me?

Listen to this:
http://media.putfile.com/Verizon-Bad-Math »

Jul 3, 2007, 10:40 AM
Im with Verizon and i have a palm 700p...

In case you dont know it dose everything an iphone dose and more. I can play just about any file i want (DIVX ACC mpeg4 ect). i have google maps. and i can access my pc and stream video and mp3s to my treo. Also.. my data access is 5 times faster than ATT.

although iphone has a sweet operating system.. i honestly have to say my 700p matches and dose more than the iphone. though not is such a sexy way..

That said i have to agree that Iphone software is Very impressive. Everyone is pissy when verizon cut out phones abilities. Iphone even though is very cool to use, dose have Many Limitations.

Any how i dont know why verizon denied the exclusive of iphone.. seams like they want to...

Jul 3, 2007, 6:30 PM
They are better off with ATT. VZW software always f***ks up every phone. They haven't launched a 'problem-free' phone in years. And it's every manufacturer, Sammy. Moto and especially LG. With ATT it's all Apple software, like getting an unlocked phone. Either VZW just doesn't give a s**t about their customers or their engineers are really friggin' stupid.

Jul 4, 2007, 2:52 PM
MORTFE said:
They are better off with ATT. VZW software always f***ks up every phone. They haven't launched a 'problem-free' phone in years. And it's every manufacturer, Sammy. Moto and especially LG. With ATT it's all Apple software, like getting an unlocked phone. Either VZW just doesn't give a s**t about their customers or their engineers are really friggin' stupid.

Did you personally spend time with every phone Verizon offers?

In the last year, we have had issues with the POS Razr, the LG 8500, and...well that about sums it up. Get your hands on an LG 8300. Consumer Reports wasn't lying.

Jul 4, 2007, 6:39 PM
I had the 8100 for 2 years and now the 8700. My daughter has gone thru 2 Razr's. I had the E815, it was so bad, I returned it after 45 min. I bitched so much about my 8100, VZW said try another phone. Tried the Sammy SCH A950 for about 3 weeks. Voice dial sent everything to text, dropped calls, a few other quirks. Went back to 8100, only because the voice dial is great. Now have the 8700. Voice dial won't work with flip closed, call volume & vibrate can hardly be heard. Other than that, not too bad. I was afraid of the 8300, only because LG told me the software was exactly the same as the 8100. Bad bluetooth & bad camera on 8100. TWO friggin' years and VZW never fixed it.

Jul 3, 2007, 9:20 PM
Don't gloat too soon, check out my own post and my own experience with the Iphone. The phone is going back tomorrow, thank god I did not discontinue my service with my original provider.

I should have known better when I went to purchase the Iphone the other day and there was a line from the desk out the door of people returning the phone. But me, I have to be one of those touchy feely try it myself types before I believe other peoples experience, I have to have my own experience and did I ever.

Hey ya know, they tried, some people will like it, mostly young types that want the newest thing, us older folks want more than hype and a cool looking phone, we prefer ours to actually do something for that type of money. Actually in my orig...

Jul 3, 2007, 10:38 PM
why is it that verizon reps are getting ofended by the fact the many customers are porting over to ar$t? if verizon did have the opportunity to have the iphone first, they should have jumped on it. the thread would say "Poor AT&T customers..." all of you including me know that nobody in this world really, really cares for the customers, all we want is to get paid. nobody is giving free service. why vzw turned down the iphone? idk, maybe they did not believe it would actually sell. im sure their kicking each other in the butt now that they see many of their customers leaving, not for the actual service but for a device, wich honestly, is not worth a crap in my book, $600 and no mms, no video recording and no many others, garbage.
the fact of...
Joey Esquire

Jul 4, 2007, 2:21 PM
Look, let's wait until these things start coming back. It's an apple product, they dictate EVERYTHING... except the decision to put it on an EDGE network. Bottom line, if you don't have a network that is equivalent of EVDO Rev. A then you should wait a little while before playing with the big boys

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