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Texting Error... kinda.


Dec 17, 2006, 10:45 PM
Okay people.... I am having an issue with this phone. I will be having a convo through texts with a friend and sending back and forth fine and all. You know, receive the text, hit OK for REPLY and such. And it goes good. But every now and then I will send my reply and get a message back saying that I can pay 25cents to have my text message sent to the landline I am attempting to text... The number it lists is always "7100000000" (my area code is 716 so it has the first two numbers right)...

So I am wondering, is this a problem with my phone or is it just an issue with verizon's servers? Is anyone else encountering this?

Dec 23, 2006, 5:36 PM
I've received that too and everytime I forget to confirm the actual number I am sending it to. For instance I go to send a text to a friend of mine who's cell phone number and house number I have stored in memory. And I think what I am doing is sending the text to his house number (which is considered a LAN line) and what the message tells me is for 25 cents I can send the message as a voice message or something of that sort. I think this only happens when a text is sent ot a regular phone rather than a cell phone. So, no, i don't think there is a problem.

Dec 26, 2006, 11:19 AM
If you send a text msg over 160 characters to a Verizon customer (I'm assuming you have Verizon), it will go through.

If you sent a text msg over 160 characters to someone with another carrier, you will get that message.

If you send any text message to a land line, you will also get that message.

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