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LG enV VX-9900


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Where is this My_Flix folder on your memory card????


Apr 21, 2007, 8:57 PM
I have been trying to put movies on my LG enV and everyone says after u have converted the file just drop it in your My_Flix folder on your memory card. Where exsactly is that?? I've been trying to find it but can't find it 🤭. Please Help!?!?!?

Apr 23, 2007, 6:38 PM
Do you have a Memory Card?
Do you have a Card-reader?
Once you place the card into a card-reader, this is what should come up in Windows.
http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o54/Ashaneen_HoFo ... »

Hope This Helps! 👀

Jul 6, 2007, 10:13 AM
Actually, you will only see those folders after you inserted the memory card into the phone and formatted the card.

I don't have the phone on me, but I think it's in the Menu-Setting and Tools-System-Memory-Card Memory.

Press Options and you will be asked if you want to format the card. Press OK and you will be asked for your password, which should be the last 4 digits of your cell number. Once the phone is formatted you should be able to see the My_Flix, etc. folders...


Jul 6, 2007, 4:13 PM
yes you are correct. You have to format the card w/ the phone first then put the card into your computer and those folders will appear.

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