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Kyocera Koi KX2


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Mar 24, 2004, 3:39 PM
over in the "Kyocera Announces 2004 Lineup" discussion:

heres the pics to the new lineups

im looking forward to the koi. http://www.kyocera-wireless.com/showroom/show case/details_kx1.htm

i hope metropcs gets it.
1 reply

Mar 19, 2004, 5:28 PM
over in the "Kyocera To Announce Megapixel CDMA Phone" discussion:


I talked to my District Mgr. two days ago and she said the next phone we are scheduled to get is a "unique" swivel phone from Kyocera with a megapixel camera!!!!!!!!! Maybe Verizon has just flown under the radar on this one!!!!
12 replies
Invader J

Mar 2, 2004, 4:46 PM

KDDI had it, Sprint will prolley get it. (real info inside =)

http://www.au.kddi.com/seihin/kinobetsu/seihin/a5305 ... »

My uncle has this phone, says it's fantstic. Theme support, e-mail client, camera kicks booty, etc. It runs on KDDI's AU network (CDMA 1X).

Given that Hitachi and Sanyo have serious relationships with KDDI, and that Sprint has both of them on board exclusively, I'll bet this phone will be coming to Sprint. (The Sanyo 5500, 5400, 8100, and soon-to-be 8200 are all based on hardware for KDDI's AU network. )

If not Sprint, then Virgin Mobile, but that would absolutely suck. I highly doubt that Sprint would allow the first megapixel camera on their network to be 'taken' by an MVNO!

Hope they keep all the specs from the JDM version intact though! If so, it'll be the most ...
10 replies

Mar 19, 2004, 2:44 PM
over in the "Kyocera To Announce Megapixel CDMA Phone" discussion:


Who is going to get this phone?
2 replies

Mar 10, 2004, 11:44 PM

Verizon Wireless WILL carry this phone

Just talked to Kyocera rep that was at our call center. Verizon will carry this phone. Phone should be available in about 1-3 months per KY rep. I have played with the phone and lookls really cool. Camera is awsome and open close design kicks butt 😁 . I just wish scree was a bit brighter.

Mar 8, 2004, 1:48 PM

Alltel and Kyocera

Make that 5 Kyoceras in Alltel's current line-up when they release a new Kyocera this week.....

Mar 6, 2004, 11:21 AM

Highly Unlikely

Well, since no US CDMA Carrier supports BREW, I doubt we will ever see this exact model in the US.
2 replies

Mar 2, 2004, 11:40 PM

Kyocera aims to Sprint

hello, dudes, my bro works for kyocera company and he has some info about it: it's gonna go to sprint, estimated date is february, 2005. there's also a chance for u.s. cellular to get this phone by christmas, no promises
3 replies

Mar 2, 2004, 4:40 PM

Who gets it?

Which carrier will this be for?
2 replies
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