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Motorola V710


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V710/Palm setup - YES IT WORKS!!!


Aug 15, 2004, 7:50 PM
After much aggravation, I got my phone working with the Palm T2. I have it broswing but haven't set up email yet. Here is how to set it up for Express Network:

First you must Add the phone as a trusted device on the Palm.
On the T2, Go to preferences
Click Bluetooth
Be sure Bluetooth says On
Click trusted devices
On the phone, press the menu key (top middle key) then 7*1. This brings you to the Bluetooth link page.
Scroll down to Setup and click OK
Scroll to Power and set to On
The next few steps must be done quickly...
Scroll up to FindMe on the phone.
By now, your Palm may have turned off so turn it back on if necessary. Use the power button on top so you are still on the Trusted Devices screen.
Click OK on the phone, whic...

Aug 16, 2004, 12:45 AM
What speed do you get in at? (It will show on the phone when you connect).

Also, will this incur any additional charges from verizon as a data call, etc?


I got my zire 72 up and running to my isp using bt, but only get 14.4.

Aug 16, 2004, 10:51 AM
I have it running on my T2, how can you tell the connection speed ?

Aug 16, 2004, 12:38 PM
Follow the directions, I get an immediate:

Error:Serial:timeout. Could be bad cable or faulty modem

To confirm the script:

Send: AT$QCMDR=3
Send CR:
Send: ATDT#777
Send CR:

And I am using the BT to Motorola TP280

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