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Quick quest. on ring tones?


Jul 21, 2004, 3:47 PM
I just got this phone and I am with Verizon.

Does anybody know when you go to Get It Now why they only have a couple different companies to use for downloads? It sucks. When I go to the verizon site you can look at all the songs for your phones make and model.

Even the old Samsung models have more to choose from.

2nd question. Is there a way to record a noise using voice memo and putting that as your ringer?


Jul 21, 2004, 3:52 PM
there are TONS of ringer options at eringers.com...

I just went there today and downloaded lots to vzwpix.com and the transferred them to my phone...they sound great!!!

Jul 22, 2004, 7:11 AM
Verizon usualy takes a little while to get out all ther GIN content for new phones. So as the days go by there should be more and more content for you to use on GIN.

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