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WAP and Bluetooth


Sep 20, 2006, 1:08 PM
I've been wondering this for a long time now: If a VZW user has a phone (LG Chocolate) and PDA connected thru bluetooth DUN, how would it work when you view the Mobile Web using the PDA?

Would it have the same restrictions on sites you can view? Can you even do it?

I know the Chocolate is DUN capable but I wasnt sure how the browsing/viewing would interact with the PDA. Any help would be appreciated.

Sep 20, 2006, 4:09 PM
If what you're using is truly dial-up networking you wouldn't be using wap or brew at all. You'd be using whatever isp you're dialing in to. If you're just tethering them and using your phones internet connection without dialing in to anywhere, your pda should still have full web access but at a faster data rate.

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