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Water damage issues drive me NUTTS!!


Jun 16, 2006, 6:08 PM
I have so many people come in with phones that magically get water damaged, It is amazing. People come in here with there water damaged phones that have "never seen water" That the corporate store will not touch, and want me to do something about it. Why Me??? They know what there options are it is just like they want me to tell them so they can get mad at me, and blame it on Verizon's policy as if it was our fault that there darn phone got wet. The best is the people who know about the water mark, and try to take it off, and tell us I have know idea what you are talking about. Come On people how dumb do we look? Just seeing how many people have the same problem?

Jun 16, 2006, 6:10 PM
I don't mind that so much as when the manufacturer doesn't put any sort of water indicator on the PHONE. Sometimes the only water indicator visible without taking the phone apart is on the battery. That doesn't make much sense to me because you could replace the battery to fool the salesman, and then the manufacturer ends up losing money. Why would they do something that (probably) makes them lose money? I don't get it at all.

Jun 16, 2006, 6:15 PM
thats why you take the phone apart and show them the corrosion on the board. Most lg phones don't have the indicator on the phone, just one the battery. try telling these hicks down here in TN that the phone is water damaged when the indicator is on the battery! Then I take the phone apart and show them the board. They go 😳

Jun 16, 2006, 6:18 PM
I don't take phones apart. If I break it, it comes out of my pocket regardless of what damage was on it. Proving to someone that they have water damage isn't worth $200 to me. I just tell them to take it to a corporate store where they can get a manufacterer replacement as long as there's no user or water damage.

Jun 16, 2006, 7:07 PM
TO be up front and honest,most VZW techs know about the recall on SOME lg batteries.Most of them are swollen,some w/a red indacator,some with the indacator being all black.the battery must be made in Korea/China and have LLL in the serial number...I hope this helps,sorry for the typos 😉

Jun 17, 2006, 11:03 PM
TO be up front and honest,most VZW techs know about the recall on SOME lg batteries.Most of them are swollen,some w/a red indacator,some with the indacator being all black.the battery must be made in Korea/China and have LLL in the serial number...I hope this helps,sorry for the typos 😉

I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question but this is where I got the info.
I just checked my battery because It had been having problems with charging.And I do have an LG battery,LLL in the serial number,made in Korea.What should I do.

Jun 17, 2006, 11:06 PM
Are you sure it's the battery? Usually when a battery goes bad, it just drops the charge in about an hour. If you're having charging issues, it's more likely the phone or the charger. If it IS the battery though, you'd just need to get a new battery. Batteries are not covered by warranty.

Jun 17, 2006, 11:33 PM
I was trying to find out about the recall that cleeverizon was referring to

Jun 17, 2006, 11:36 PM
yes go to the store and they will swap out that battery no charge. you are covered. If they won't do it ask them to escalate the issue to someone who knows wtf is going on!

Jun 17, 2006, 11:44 PM
Thanks Much!Will do.Verizon is pretty cool about things.That is why I have stayed with them all of these years(since PRIMECO). 🤣 🤣

Jun 19, 2006, 9:04 AM
My biggest complaint is the wet strips, some look like they should and others look like they are already bled (brand new in the box).....If all else fails check the charging port for corrosion...99% of the time you will find it if there is water damage...also shuts up the customer real quick (usually). Usually if you keep asking questions the customer will somehow spill the beans (or water) about something getting spilled or dropped on the phone.

Jun 16, 2006, 11:37 PM
"but it's under warrenty"
right, for manufacturers defects, not water damage.
"I just got this phone a month ago."
That is correct, and between then and now it's come into contact with some fluid or moisture.
"But I was told to come in and it would be replaced"
assuming the cause of your problems are not user related, physical, or water damage yes we can.

why do these people argue this with me....

Jun 17, 2006, 10:40 AM
I wonder how much 'water' it takes to get these indicators to change, or the phone to actually crap out. lot of sweat? Riding my bicycle or horse past a sprinkler?
There are a lot of parts of the country where it rains a lot, and phones need to be made to be somewhat water resistant. Maybe a little better sealing, or a small desicant pack inside. (like there's any space!)
I guess the answer is to keep your phone in a sealed plastic bag and use a bluetooth headset!

Maybe a more basic phone like the W315 made almost water tight would be the answer.

At my local Vzw store, I know of a few very good folks, and then I hear the ones that sound like broken record..."must be physical damage" probably dropped, yada yada, yada.

Jun 17, 2006, 11:11 AM
putting it in a locker near the shower room at the gym... or taking it to the indoor pool at the YMCA... anything over 90% ambient usually turns them...

BREATHE heavy on one and the edge goes pink...

Jun 17, 2006, 10:06 PM
This may be well and good for most of the country ,but I live in Florida.If it gets below 90% humidity my lips chap

Jun 17, 2006, 10:28 PM
thats why they make cases for the phone. I got no sympathy for people who lay the phones on the counter when they take a shower. Or the ones that aren't smart enough to put the phone in their pocket or purse when its raining. Accidents happen I know, but there is such a thing as an accident waiting to happen. If you take care of your phone you have nothing to worry about. If you are careless then you will have problems. The fact that you live in a high humidity climate only means that you have to be extra careful. Just like you do with any other electronic device.

Jun 17, 2006, 10:37 PM
I gotta say i disagree. You shouldn't have to adapt to your phone. For the amount we pay for the service and the phone, i think it should be able to hold its own a little better.

By the way, you dont sympathize people who put their phone on the counter when they take a shower. Maybe you're waiting for a phone call or you just wanna be able to hear if you get a phone call. And if we're not talking about a downpour, your phone should be accessible during a light drizzle or rain without completely screwing it up.

Now I've never personally destroyed a phone of mine, but I have had my battery's water indicator ink smudge and even though it didnt mess up my actual phone, it made me angry because i knew i didn't actually do anything wro...

Jun 17, 2006, 10:51 PM
The best comparison I've seen to cell phones is an mp3 player...they're about the same price. Would you take out your iPod for 5-10 minutes if it were raining outside? No. It would have a good chance to be ruined. Are iPods water resistant at all? Not unless you get a case for it. I don't know why cell phones are the exception to electronics. People should just be more careful with their equipment.

Jun 17, 2006, 10:53 PM
thanks spum you actually agreed with me for once! 🤣

Jun 17, 2006, 11:01 PM
Yeah, I forgot to add this on too:

bluekornfarmer said:
I gotta say i disagree. You shouldn't have to adapt to your phone. For the amount we pay for the service and the phone, i think it should be able to hold its own a little better.

Again, with iPods costing about the same cost as a phone and a subscription to iTunes, the two are comparable. Yet, I don't hear people bitching about their iPod not being waterproof out of the package. It makes no sense to me. So to say that cell phones should be able to hold their own a little better is to say that all electronics should take a step up. While it be awesome if everything were waterproof and shockproof and everything, the price would skyrocket. Look...

Jun 17, 2006, 11:06 PM
I think it should be the theme for customer service!

Jun 17, 2006, 11:08 PM
From now on, I'm going to advertise insurance as user security.

Jun 20, 2006, 9:17 AM
First off, the customer only knows what they are going to do with there phone (ex..taking it in the bathroom while u shower)they have the ability to purchase monthly insurance on your phone....the same as you do on your car in case of a mishap.....its the cellular companies fault for deppreciating the price of phones with all the deals and promotions, then when the customer messes up the there phone they think they can get the phone free again or resign and get the new deals. PURCHASE INSURANCE.

Jun 18, 2006, 7:43 AM
I've talked on my phone with in heavy rain and it didn't get the water damage indicator on....

Crap, I forgot I was using an umbrella too... nevermind.

Jun 18, 2006, 8:27 AM
bluekornfarmer said:

By the way, you don't sympathize people who put their phone on the counter when they take a shower. Maybe you're waiting for a phone call or you just wanna be able to hear if you get a phone call. company.

I often take my phone into the bathroom at home in case I get a business call. I ALWAYS seal it in a small zip lock bag and if it rings I shut off the water and see who it is before I answer.

Jun 18, 2006, 11:46 AM
Well sounds like getting a call in the shower is important to you. Just make sure you dry your hands and head before you answer it. If I were that afraid I was going to miss a call I would just take a quicker shower. 2-3 minutes tops.

Jun 18, 2006, 2:47 PM
I work from home and some times it is impossible to get some of the Senior Executives that I do business to call me back. Invariably, they always call me when I am away from the phone so now yes I take the phone in with me because once they leave a message, it could take weeks to get them back.

Sometimes I call forward my cell to my land line and take calls that way.

Its better when you shower or bathe with bath toys such as a toaster or blow dryer 😉

Jun 18, 2006, 6:50 PM
bluekornfarmer said:
I gotta say i disagree. You shouldn't have to adapt to your phone. For the amount we pay for the service and the phone, i think it should be able to hold its own a little better.

Okay, that makes very little sense to me. What does the price you pay for the phone or the service have to do with the physical properties of the phone, and what does either one have to do with the principles of physics? Water damages electronic equipment--that's just a plain fact. If you want a waterproof phone, find a manufacturer that makes one (didn't Nokia make a phone that was waterproof to about three meters?) and buy it.

The weirdest liquid damage call I ever had was from a woman who stau...

Jun 18, 2006, 11:55 PM
fat girls alwasy seem to carry their cell phones in their bras. Why is that??? I had this one chic, sweaty as hell, actually come up to the counter and hand one of my co-workers her phone right out of her bra!!! YUCK!!!!

Jun 19, 2006, 7:18 PM
Hey, sweat ain't just for fat girls any more--when I worked in a gas station I had a guy pull a leather wallet out of his back pocket, pull some bills out and hand them to me... they were SOAKING wet. I asked him if he fell in a pool or something and he said "nope, just sweat!" Soaked through a leather wallet--gah! I had to take the money in my hand... but I laid it on the counter to dry out then went to the bathroom and scrubbed my hands with a wire brush... 😳

Jun 17, 2006, 10:46 PM
The first thing I buy is a lamb skin case(esspecially because I am clumsy and need shock absorption)but I still have problems with battery contacts.The only time I ruined a phone from water damage is when I dropped it in a glass of beer.And no I did't try to return it.

Jun 17, 2006, 10:48 AM
H2O2 of 30% or greater strength (salon supply house) will "fix" most of the indicators back to white on a permanent basis...

Or so I'm told...

Jun 17, 2006, 10:52 PM
NoPegs said:
H2O2 of 30% or greater strength (salon supply house) will "fix" most of the indicators back to white on a permanent basis...

Or so I'm told...

Thanks for the info I'll save it.But since I have an LG I'try replacing the battery.

Jun 17, 2006, 11:47 PM
on a side note...

My last customer of the day comes in with a Nextel i710. It goes to power on then makes some popping noise and shuts off. Nextel customer care tells her to come to a service center and get it replaced (which I am a service center for Nextel Partners). I take one look at the charging port and it is mostly green. I show this to the customer. The customer insists she hasn't had the phone near liquid...much less enough to show damage. I then take the phone apart. On the circuit board there are two water damage indicators. One near the bottom is bright red. Customer again insists that she hasn't had the phone near any kind of liquid. I then show her the white powder on the solder points. She still insists. I then ...

Jun 18, 2006, 7:28 AM
Well I have personally seen people talking on their cell phones while in the steam room of my local gym.
How's that for obsessive behavior and potentially ruining the phone.

OK now I just had a creepy thought...maybe he was not talking but using the camera. Yuck.

Jun 18, 2006, 11:58 PM
smile! you're on candid camera! 😁
satch of the moe

Jun 18, 2006, 1:20 PM
yes this is horrible. Some people just cant admit to there own stupid mistakes. why they cant admit you dropped it in the toilet and went all over the phone like it was white snow and you did it will a smile you know it you did it. 😲

Jun 21, 2006, 9:43 PM
I have a three month old v3c. Last week I noticed the white dot by the battery was red. Damn thing never touched water. Funny how it happens when humid summer weather starts.

I can't complain yet because the phone functions perfectly. However, don't call me unresonable if this phone malfunctions in the future and I become livid because niether VZW or Moto will support their product.

Jun 21, 2006, 11:05 PM
Listen, I live in the south where the humidity is so high in the summer that they tell old people to stay inside. I've had a phone for 8 years and never had a phone malfunction due to the corrosion on the board cause by humidity. Why? I don't take any great lengths to protect my phone other than common sense. I've worked outside, in a hot warehouse, even as a dishwasher right out of high school! If its was really hot outside, i left my phone in a cool dry place. Not in my pocket to get sweat and damage due to humidity. If its raining, I put something over the phone and leave it in the car if I have to go in somewhere. I don't answer it without an umbrella in the middle of a thunderstorm. I don't leave it on a counter and walk away f...

Jun 22, 2006, 7:47 AM
Are you saying that it is reasonable to sell a product in an area with a humid climate and then not support the product because the ambient humidity turned an indicator red? Please take off your phone company hat for one second and think of this issue from a common sense perspective.

It is not reasonable to expect a customer to take extreme precautions if they are merely carrying the phone in their pocket. We are not talking about jumping in a swimming pool, just carrying the phone around normally on a typical summer day.

Jun 22, 2006, 8:22 AM
Yes I am. try taking a liquid damaged ipod back to an electronics store. Leaving your phone in the car while it raining isn't EXTREME. leaving your phone in the living room while you take a shower isn't EXTREME. I've only been working in the wireless industry for about 3 months. Its just common sense. Like i said if its worth the hassle and cost of buying a new phone, then by all means continue what you are doing. And by carrying the phone around normally on a summer day, do you mean going to and from your vehicle? Or you mean standing outside for hours at a time with the phone in your sweaty pocket? Weigh the opions man. And if you need any more "support" come in to my store and I'll hold your hand while you file the insurance claim...

Jun 22, 2006, 9:34 AM
Dude, I live in the south too, South Florida were the humidity is at 100% many times. I always have my phone on me, sometimes even take it in the bathroom while im talking a shower, and have never had an indicator turn pink on me. I am with you that I hate when people come in with green terminals and a pink dot and say "well its never got wet". 9/10 people that come in with a water damaged phone swear they never got it wet. I think that the majority of people dont realize that talking on your phone in the rain, letting your toddler slobber all over the phone while using it as a chew toy, or putting in a cup holder that is still wet will damage it. It absolutly drives me nuts when people use the excuse "if they cant make a phone that will han...

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