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New Promotions?


Jan 8, 2009, 11:30 AM
I just missed the Buy One, Get One offer for the ENV2. I would really like to get 2 Dares or ENV2's, and I want to get a good deal on them. Does anyone know of any upcoming promotions?? Thanks!

Jan 8, 2009, 1:56 PM
I'd say nothing of that nature. You usually only see the buy one get one deals on those phones during the holidays. It's going to be pretty much what you see now until the next holiday season. Prices will probbly even go up a small bit in the next couple weeks.

The only phones you may see good deals on will be phones that are going away. They'll try to push out the inventory quickly at the end of a model.

Jan 8, 2009, 10:36 PM
YES I said Walmart. They are $28.88 each! So you will still be getting them cheaper than BOGO at the retail store.

Jan 9, 2009, 8:43 AM
Yeah. Go save some money at Walmart, then take your savings and burn it. Might as well get an early lead... just take down any US flags you have and put up a China flag.

Jan 9, 2009, 1:16 PM
Go China! I love your food too.

Jan 16, 2009, 2:16 AM
All hail China. They're cheaper pricing on the same items cannot be beat. Especially in this economy.

Jan 10, 2009, 12:31 AM
yesVZW said:
YES I said Walmart. They are $28.88 each! So you will still be getting them cheaper than BOGO at the retail store.

If you know you won't have problems with your phone, then it might be ok. However, I still say that it's better to spend more money at the corporate store, and get better service than get the savings, and Walmart isn't gonna help you out if you have phone problems. I don't know if Walmart attaches any obligations like not being allowed to change any part of your plan for 6 months, or get charged retail price because Walmart lost the commission. Some agents do that. Some agents even attach their own ETF on top of VZW's ETF, and may impose their ETF if you cancel at anytime (e...

Jan 10, 2009, 1:03 AM
There are no secondary contracts at Walmart. There are no obligations or special details at Walmart. You can also stay in your old grandfathered plan if you want. The Walmart associate will just have to call in your upgrade, it may take them a little longer to figure it out. You see they don't use the same activations system as most indirect agents.

It is true they don't have NE2, but you if you don't want to hassle with the mail in rebates and just want a cheap price for the eNV2 than Walmart is the cheapest around.

And I find it interesting that people complain about Walmart and all the foreign imports that they sell. All the while driving their imported cars, shoes, TV's, and the computer that they read Phonescoop on. Just ...

Jan 11, 2009, 2:13 PM
yesVZW said:
There are no secondary contracts at Walmart. There are no obligations or special details at Walmart. You can also stay in your old grandfathered plan if you want. The Walmart associate will just have to call in your upgrade, it may take them a little longer to figure it out. You see they don't use the same activations system as most indirect agents.

It is true they don't have NE2, but you if you don't want to hassle with the mail in rebates and just want a cheap price for the eNV2 than Walmart is the cheapest around.

And I find it interesting that people complain about Walmart and all the foreign imports that they sell. All the while driving their imported cars, shoes, TV's, and the computer tha

Jan 12, 2009, 2:43 PM
Walmart is generally more expensive on full retail phones than even the smallest of private retailers.

I agree that walmart gets a bad rap for a lot of things (all the "they don't buy american" crap) American consumers are unwilling to pay what it would cost to produce things in the united states. That is why companies go overseas. Corporate giants like walmart operate on a very slim profit margin, so they are not doing it to be greedy. If you are that concerned about where stuff comes from, pay the premium such items require. Yes some of it is excess profit, but MOST of the cost is there to cover wages, zoning laws, pollution codes, etc.

Jan 13, 2009, 8:46 AM
I'd gladly pay more for made in the usa, but I'm one of the few. By now though, where do you even find things made here?

Jan 13, 2009, 9:39 AM
There are a few companies. They are harder to find.

For cars: Subaru, Toyota, and Honda all have factories in the US, so it is more likely their cars are "american" than GM or Ford.

There are a few clothing companies making stuff in the us as well.

Jan 16, 2009, 2:22 AM
It's just not worth it anymore to buy Made in USA. If it's from walmart, you either bring it back, or don't care and buy a new one.

when it's made in america, and it falls apart, you've lost a bit of money and you can't return it. it's lose lose. and don't tell me american is better quality. It's USUALLY not.

I buy American Candles. They smell better than wal mart. They are pricy. Usually a dollar an ounce. (Yankee and Salt City candles are expensive, but worth it.)

Oh, and I do buy Levi shirts. Those last FOREVER!

Jan 16, 2009, 9:31 AM
It is worth it in the long run. I wouldn't sell my future short just to save 10 cents on a pair of socks today.

There's a saying that when you shop at Walmart you're shopping and saving yourself to the unemployment line.

Jan 17, 2009, 4:43 AM
Who the hell thinks long term in America? That's why Wal Mart IS number one.

I am thinking in the long term. If I save more because I'm shopping cheaper, I have more in my savings account.

Do you really think that just because Wal-Mart is cheaper that it's going to ruin our future? Unemployment line? Yeah, maybe if I personally was going to stay in retail for my life. I'm part time, going to school full time, to become a graphic designer/advertisement major. I'm spending thousands on school and books, and I need to penny pinch like crazy so that I don't assume massive amounts of debt.

If I took all my savings and paid off my debts, I'd probably have about 100-500 bucks in my name right now. I think that's reasonable, considering t...

Jan 17, 2009, 10:46 AM

Jan 17, 2009, 1:21 PM
I work in software, so if Walmart ever did start writing and selling their own software, I'd be in trouble. Is that going to happen? Probably not.

But, that's besides the point. The point is that it has been proven that Walmart is bad for America.

Jan 12, 2009, 3:01 PM
I half agree. Walmart are idiots and you're trusting someone who is stocking pepsi one minute and doing your cell phones the next with your social and confidential information. However, going to corporate is your alternative? There are competent and knowledgeable reps that work for other indirects corporate just rips you off left and right.

Jan 16, 2009, 8:52 AM
Please stop with the bashing. All channels are Verizon. I hate to see this crabs in a barrel mess. You are an indirect and maybe you provide better service than the corporate location in your area. That is really all you can speak to. To make the grand statement that all indirects provide better service than corporate locations is simply something you cannot prove. In the end all are Verizon Wireless.

Jan 16, 2009, 8:37 AM
Walmart phones are covered by manufacturer's warranty just as the phones one buys at the corporate store. Day 0-30 if you have a problem with your phone from Walmart then you return it to them. Day 31-365 (730 if one adds TEC or Extended Warranty) take it to a retail store which has a technician.

Jan 12, 2009, 8:12 AM
Not sure if this still happens but I have scene it more then once.

Walmart buys their phones direct from manufacturer or some third party distributer. This is why they offer no mail in rebates and phones come in strange packaging remember they had razors in cheap plain white boxes no pictures).The problem with this is warranty. Lg, Motorola...whoever will warranty their phones for 1 year no matter where you get it but I have scene Verizon turn down phones from Walmart in the FRU department or whatever they are calling themselves these days. The phones did not come from verizon and Walmart did not buy from Verizon like all the authorized premium dealers out there so they do not have to honor the warranty and can send you back to the retai...

Jan 13, 2009, 8:51 AM
yeahright said:
I have scene Verizon turn down phones from Walmart in the FRU department or whatever they are calling themselves these days.

they have never called themselves the "FRU Department" lol. its called tech support.

Jan 15, 2009, 8:52 AM
Ok, Whatever..i just remember I called Tech Support for PDA/Blackberry and had a separate number for phones..None of that really matters.

The Question remains though.
Does Verizon still turn down Walmart phones for warranty replacements at times?

Jan 16, 2009, 1:55 AM
yeahright said:
Ok, Whatever..i just remember I called Tech Support for PDA/Blackberry and had a separate number for phones..None of that really matters.

The Question remains though.
Does Verizon still turn down Walmart phones for warranty replacements at times?

NO. The handsets that Walmart carries are the same as the handsets at the VZW retail stores. No difference, no refurbs.

Jan 17, 2009, 11:06 AM
Maybe the phones he's thinking of were for other carriers. You and I both know that Verizon wouldn't allow Wal-Mart to buy like Asurion does, but the other carriers probably don't care.

I've never heard of any of us refusing to warranty a phone because it came from Wal-Mart. The only thing WE need in our store might be the receipt, but that's more for the warranty on the battery or the charger.

Jan 17, 2009, 6:52 PM
I used to have the problem that yeahright described. Not anymore, but know what he is talking about. Now the issue is that when walmart activates a phone it shows up as customer owned equipment and we get denied all the time for fru's because we don't have any proof otherwise. This happens a lot. It also depends on how much effort the rep on the phone puts in to check the esn.

Jan 16, 2009, 9:05 AM
No. 0-30 Walmart or the indirect etc... 31 -365 FRU, CLN whatever.

Jan 16, 2009, 9:02 AM
That never should have happened in the first place. It is not up to a store tech or manager to determine if a phone were purchased new or not. We have to assume that all channels are selling new products and after 30 days we warranty them out. For example, when Radio Shack was an agent Verizon sold the Motorola V265 but Radio Shack sold the V260. When a customer came into a store with a defective V260 which Verizon never sold so there were no Frus available, we would just Frru them to a V265 and keep stepping. Don't stand there and tell the customer that the phone they purchased from an indirect is not covered and they should have bought it from your direct store. That is silly. Verizon is Verizon. All corporate cares about is signin...

Jan 16, 2009, 9:29 AM
Sorry, but that isn't the case all the time. There are a couple of situations where VZW Corp will not FRU a unit purchased elsewhere.

1) Just as an example, if someone were to walk in with an E815 to a store that they bought new from a dealer. That would definately not be covered (the E815 hasn't been sold in over a year, so it's warranty is gone by now).

2) If the phone was not purchased from VZW. If somenoe running their own store wanted to purchase a phone from Moto directly and then sell it, well... that phone can't be FRUed b/c it's ESN is not in the ESN Verification system, which is what is used (or is supposed to be used) to determine if VZW will FRU their phone out.

3) If a phone was activated that has previous history to it...

Jan 20, 2009, 11:22 PM
Can you read??? I was not bashing any channel simply explaining what has happened to me in the past and I know other reps that have ran into the same issue. I was indirect and we don't have a tech obviously so we had to call it in and I know for a fact that many were declined... blame it on what you want but that is how it went down, you think I wanted to get off the phone after some rep refused to FRU a Razr purchased at Walmart across the street less then 60 days ago and get my head ripped?

I even escalated the issue and when I finally did get word back from a supervisor they told me that Verizon stores, and premium agents who purchased their store stock through verizon can FRU equipment but they are not required to FRU phones purchased...

Jan 17, 2009, 11:02 AM
People talk about how Wal-Mart's wireless department doesn't know anything, yadda yadda yadda. Indirect this, Internet that.

Here's what I've seen. I've worked for Verizon in a direct retail store for almost five years, and here's the worry that keeps me up at night.

Some day my job could be obsolete.

Now, you might be thinking, so what? Besides the obvious personal reasons why I'd like to keep my job, the aspect of losing people like me that worries me are the people who buy based on price and looks.

I'm not supposed to do this, but I tell every people who looks at the Samsung Glyde that buying it is like throwing away $100 on purpose. I tell them its the kind of phone that would cause them to come back to the store about on...

Jan 17, 2009, 6:32 PM
Excellent post. It's why I shop at the local mom and pop stores for everything from coffee to hardware and why I HATE the big chain megastores where nobody can help me with anything. Cheap is cheap in every sense of the word and sometimes saving a buck is still money thrown away when we should be willing to pay for customer "service" and knowledgeable sales personnel. When the total economic collapse of this country comes, we'll go back to being normal again...

Jan 21, 2009, 10:25 AM
So buying the EXACT SAME GE light bulbs at Mom & Pops Hardware at $2.99 v. Wal-Mart for $.99 makes better sense. Wal-Mart is not the end-all of everything. It's a great place to buy commodities...and unfortunately for retail sales reps, wireless is becoming a commodity.

Jan 21, 2009, 11:47 AM
it is until something goes wrong, then people want answers. That's my main issues with people who buy from walmart. If you buy from there, you go there if you have issues. Don't come here and complain to me because I know what I'm talking about but you couldn't afford to spend 10 more for the phone.

Jan 21, 2009, 8:48 PM
...oh but they're not the same GE light bulbs...

Jan 22, 2009, 2:33 PM
i am indirect, on about 2/3 salary and 1/3 commission as well, and we do things a lil differently.

first off, we do lifetime warranties on the car chargers. also, like you said, we qualify customers. the biggest thing i get is 'vzw said i can get a free curve'. with one question ('do you want to spend 30/month for internet?') most change their mind.

a lot of people dont know what they want, and thats why we qualify in the first place, to find their wants and NEEDS. everyone would like to drive a benz, but when an oil change costs $500, most wont drive one.

the indirect chain i work for is based on customer service, and we strive to be number 1. there are 2 corporate stores, walmart, and 2 other indirects in my town, and none of them...

Jan 21, 2009, 3:20 AM
epik said:
People talk about how Wal-Mart's wireless department doesn't know anything, yadda yadda yadda. Indirect this, Internet that.

Here's what I've seen. I've worked for Verizon in a direct retail store for almost five years, and here's the worry that keeps me up at night.

Some day my job could be obsolete.

Now, you might be thinking, so what? Besides the obvious personal reasons why I'd like to keep my job, the aspect of losing people like me that worries me are the people who buy based on price and looks.

I'm not supposed to do this, but I tell every people who looks at the Samsung Glyde that buying it is like throwing away $100 on purpose. I tell them its the kind of phone that would cause them to

Jan 21, 2009, 9:55 AM
Good post.

I work at an indirect retailer, and yes, I do make most of my money from commission. But in order for me to keep the money, the customer also has to be satisfied with their product and service because if they drop that data plan before they keep it for 6 months, I lose that commission. If they cancel their service, I lose that commission.

I also work in a store that has two other authorized agents (and a walmart) all within 5 miles of me. All three locations have been open for at least 5 years and we only opened this summer. So if it gets around that I am just pushing cellphones on people to make a sale, I'll be making nothing. One of the things drawing people to our store is the fact that we actually qualify the custome...

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