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Need help picking a new phone


Nov 3, 2011, 10:36 AM
Trying to decide which smart phone to get. Pretty sure I want a Droid but if you have any arguments why the iphone is better I'd love to hear that too. I'm just not sure what makes one Droid better than the other. Also, I'm wondering if anybody has any inside info on black friday deals on Droids and whether or not I should wait til then and get the best deal. Right now there are a lot of free w/new contract phones (which is the category I'd fall under). Help please & thank you! 😁

Nov 4, 2011, 10:48 AM
I'm not an Apple fan boy but I'll give you a few things I think are better.

Battery life on an iPhone seems to blow the Droids away, in my opinion and for me personally.

iPhones generally have no issues. They just work. Droids unfortunately have software issues ALL THE TIME. iPhones not so much. I've never seen a defective iPhone. Droids we see warranty replacements all the time.

More polished UI on IOS, not so clunky but also not as many customizations as on a Droid.

As far as picking a Droid, right now I'd say Droid Charge or Bionic. They're both great devices. If you're waiting a little bit then any of the 3 new ones seem great. The Galaxy Nexus, Droid Razr, or the HTC Rezound.

Nov 4, 2011, 12:25 PM
2.3 addresses a lot of the battery drain issues. I've used several Android phones and had software issues with none since early 2.1 releases. There are some applications that will force close from time to time but I don't see that as an Android issue.

Another issue Android has is the fact that ANYONE can use it. That means there's some real junk out there.

I would personally not purchase an iOS device but each individual must make that decision on their own. That HTC Rezound looks like it's going to be a real beast.

Nov 4, 2011, 12:57 PM
I personally have no issues with either. I know from a store perspective we have people with Android phones in constantly that have issues and have to have a device wipe and replacements. iPhones NEVER have these issues.

I myself and my partner have NEVER had issues with our Droids so it does have a lot to do with the user. I was just saying it doesn't happen on IOS no matter who the user is or what they're doing.

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