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Can anybody help me with this? Its for a customer of mine.


May 11, 2005, 12:39 PM
I have a guy who sent me this email from another store, maybe somebody can help me with it....

"Here's what I need. I am presently using a Nokia 6360 TDMA phone with the Nokia CARK-91 carkit with privacy handset and external antennal. I want to dump AT&T/Cingular and change to Verizon but I do not want to lose the use of the CARK-91 as it was expensive and I don't want to purchase another and re-install. My understanding is that Nokia has introduced a new product, the CA-55 converter cable which allows the CARK-01 to be used with the newer phones. Not sure which Nokia phone are compatible tight Verizon service.

The CA-55 is available in Europe (Nokia says they introduce new products there first) and I would expect it here soon. I can b...

May 11, 2005, 1:03 PM
None of those Nokia models are Verizon phones.

You could check and see if any of them are CDMA phones. Theoretically, if one of those models is carried by Alltel or US Cellular, you might be able to buy the phone without service and activate it on Verizon service.

But depending on the market, VZW may refuse to activate it. And even if you activate it and you can make and receive calls, the roam indicator and PRL download may never work quite right.

With the new America's Choice plans, activating any phone that was not specifically designed for Verizon Wireless is a real crap shoot. You may get the right PRL by dialing *228. But the firmware may not be able to interpret the PRL to properly display the correct roam indicator.

You c...

May 11, 2005, 1:08 PM

I know they are not VZW or even US phones, I am wondering if they havethe same connectors and will work, like how the 5165 handsfree kit is the same as the 6340, or the 7160 and 6160.

I got the impression that nokia is going to a standard adaptor with the "Pop Port".

Do you think any of these will work?

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