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The Signal Insurance


Mar 8, 2005, 4:46 PM
What do you guys think of USCC insurance company?

I have never had to work with any other wireless insurance company, so I only have an opinion about ours.

I would like to know what employees, and customers think.

Any interesting experiances you have had with them.

I had a customer who's duaghter (3 year's old) put a different charger in the charging port. Tried to file an insurance claim, becuase there was physical damage to the ph, and it no longer charged. They denied her. I called, talked to two different manager's. Pulled out their pamplet, went over their stated policy. They finally gave in, and insured her phone. But they can be difficult sometimes.

I do not like the increase in COD deductible. Not fair...

Mar 8, 2005, 7:11 PM
I've never had a prob with the insurance, I sell US cell in oregon. Personally I've done about 4 insurance claims in the last couple of years, each time I had a new phone within 3 days. I haven't had any customers have problems with them either. Maybe I've just been lucky 🙂

Mar 8, 2005, 7:44 PM

I sell in Oregon too. Agent or retail?

Mar 8, 2005, 7:45 PM
Agent 🙂

Feb 17, 2006, 11:18 PM
Please, save yourself alot of heartache and DO NOT buy insurance from Signal. I have no problem with a deductible and no problem with a refurbished phone of similar features but the facts are this company is not interested in serving their customers. If your phone is expensive they find ways to stall or deny your claim ("It is a wear issue" or "The serial number is not correct" or "We don't have that model in stock"). THIS IS FRAUD! If you don't believe me just look at the lawsuits already filed against this company and others operating the same scam. If they can send you a phone for less than your $50 deductible they are happy to do so. Only problem is you have already paid double for the privilege. Just a word to the wise, you are bet...

Feb 18, 2006, 11:43 AM
AMEN Brother!

Mar 8, 2005, 11:58 PM
Rip-off in my opinion. Save the money yourself and buy a phone if you need it. The monthly fee adds up and then you have to pay a deductable.

Mar 9, 2005, 2:16 AM
Even though they can be a pain, I still think everyone should have insurance. Everyday I see customers who are mad becuase they have to buy a phone at full retail becuase they do not have insurance.

If you use the insurance one time in 2 yrs, it is still cheaper than paying full retial for a new phone. Or buying a used phone that MAY have something wrong with no warrenty on it.

Matter of opinion I guess.

Mar 28, 2005, 7:00 PM
I think you would be smart to have some sort of coverage. Signal Insurance gives you just that opportunity. Let me ask anyone this question; Would you rather pay $35 to get a new phone when you REALLY need it, or come up with $300-$400 to replace that new phone that you REALLY had to have because it was cheap (at the time of activation) and had all the bells and whistles? I don't know about you...But if I had $300-$400 just lying around in your pocket not being used for anything else, I would rather spend that on something else? What about you?

Get the insurance and protect yourself. I don't even get comission for selling the signal insurance, but I feel it is my duty to help protect the customer so they have the most pleasurable exp...

Feb 20, 2006, 5:19 PM
Gumbo76 said:
Get the insurance and protect yourself. I don't even get commission for selling the signal insurance, but I feel it is my duty to help protect the customer so they have the most pleasurable experience with USCC while they have service with us, and this is one way to do that!

Can I hear an "AMEN! brother!? Too often a person will come in with a damaged phone (physical or water) and want a new phone at little or no charge. Fifty percent or more of those who do NOT have Signal Insurance have a freaking hissy fit.

Here are a couple of classic customer responses. Feel free to exaggerate the rolling of your eyeballs and throwing your head back:

"How much will it cost for me to cancel my co...

Mar 9, 2005, 8:04 PM
I agree, Signal Insurance can be a difficult company to work with sometimes, but I guess we have to look at things from their point of view too. They probably deal with a lot of fraud, ridiculous situations, crazy people, etc. Now, that doesn't give them the right to penalize everyone else for it, but maybe that's why you get reps that are hard to deal with. 🙄
jerry 12

Mar 28, 2005, 6:00 PM
i dont like them.let me tell you why.first i have only been with uscc for one year & have not had a claim.i had alltel for nine years & had some ins claims.with alltel if you had a claim you could call the ins co while you were in the store.if your phone was messed up you tolded the ins co & some one at alltel would tell them allso & the ins co would fax the info to alltel & you had a new phone before you left the alltel store.now that is the way it should be. you should not have to wait for a phone to come in the mail.i did not buy my phone in the mail to start with. if your phone is lost or stolen just get alltel to fax the police report to the ins co & as before you walked out of the store with a new phone.

Mar 28, 2005, 7:05 PM
You see, we have things called Loaner phones at our agent location. Loaner phones are given to anyone who needs a phone temporarily while they are waiting for an insurance claim or waiting for their phone to come back from repair. That is how you avoid having to wait three days to get your phone from signal. this way the customer has a phone to use in the meantime. It's not that hard to do...You just have to have the loaner system available for your location in order to do it.
jerry 12

Mar 28, 2005, 8:18 PM
yes but if they give you a new phone while you are at the store you dont have to wait or get a loaner phone. you see if you read my post thats what the ins co that alltel has does.the customer leaves the store happy.

Mar 28, 2005, 9:04 PM
I am not a fan of the signal, but in defense for them. They are the insurance company. Customers pay them. So the insurance company sends them the phone. If we were a licensed insurance/cell phone carrier, then the store would replace them. But we are not.

The reason why you see their charge on your bill is because it saves both companys money to combine the charges to one bill, rather than have the customer pay the cell phone company their wireless bill, and the insurace company send the insurance bill witch is $4.95.

I still think they can be a pain in the butt, and have poor customer service.

Mar 29, 2005, 2:19 PM
Well, you see, to combat that, we use older phones. Ones that still work, but are older models that you wouldn't really want to keep. Not only that, we make them sign a form that basically says, "If you do not return this phone within "X" amount of days then you will be charged "X" amount of dollars." You need to sign this and give us a credit card number in order to get a used phone.
If you do not return the used phone you WILL get charged and you signed the paper so there is no arguing. So, in a sense, this plan works and I'm sure it is not perfect, but we have not had ANY problems thus far with anyone not bringing back the Loaner.

Feb 21, 2006, 10:44 AM
at the location i work at we have our own insurance so we give them more options at the time of sale, and save them 60%. they still have to wait for the phone to come in from our corp. office but it is alot nicer than signal.

May 10, 2005, 2:04 PM
I have had previous experience with another cell phone insurer, Lockline, and I have to say that Signal beats them hands down. For a lot of other carriers, Lockline has raised their deductible to $50 and their customers can usually only claim 2 handsets within a 12 month time span, which is not so with Signal. I have found Signal to be friendly and efficient getting their replacements to customers and hope USCC continues to do business with them in the future.

May 14, 2005, 4:58 AM
Signal is decent....I've had better experiences with cell phone insurance...It took them 2 and a half months to get me my replacement phone, and when they finaly got it to me, the button on the side of the phone was broke off of it, sent it back, and now it's been about a month again and still waiting for a replacement so it's obvious that their "efficient working" is true in some cases and false in others.

May 15, 2005, 2:24 PM
signal does really good most of the time, but when they mess up they piss off people big time, they turn into real jerks most of the time when they think they are right and the customer is wrong but they are actually wrong. It makes me worry about the signal insurance i have on my phone. i am constantly having to help customers that have problems with signal, and most just get so fed up they purchase a used phone, also their stock of T731's that they replace with are the worst in the world it seems 90% of those replacements are defective but that phone has its problems brand new too. but most of the time they do get a customer their new phone out in 2 days and it works fine, but i also tell the customer they need to tell them what when where...

May 24, 2005, 1:50 AM
The only thing I dont like is that when using the insurance, they only allow you to receive the same brand phone that you originally had. no exceptions. They could at least offer you a percentage towards another phone if you choose.

They would only give you a differnet brand if the phone you have is discontinued and ou still do not have a choice of which phone you want.

May 25, 2005, 8:01 PM
so what youre saying is that if you total your dodge, you should be able to get a ferrari?
ya don't think this would cause abuse of the system??that people would just break their phones just to get better ones?? 😳

May 25, 2005, 10:16 PM
Actually, yes... if you pay the difference. You pay 4.95 per month which is a high ratio compared to replacement cost when you consider other insured items and their replacement value such as cars, homes, & even life insurance.
If you total your car you are given a the assessed value and you do as you choose w/ the money. If a consumer totaled their car in a 15 mph collision, most would buy another make or model; the same should hold true in phones. If a phone breakes easily, such as a flip snapping the plastics and ribbon, a smart consumer would purchase one that better meets their needs, i.e, a bar phone. Even if they don't, it would be nice to be given the choice.
The slippery slope argument of people breaking phones to get a differen...

Feb 19, 2006, 4:01 PM
i can see both sides of the coin here. You are paying 5.95 a mo for signal and then a $50 deduct=121.40 you cant buy our cheapest phone for that price. I do agree though that it can be a headache. When doing a claim you have to be VERY specific as to what happened to the phone and give a specific date and time. I have had to do 3 different claims in our family and have had no probs!

Feb 20, 2006, 10:39 AM
I think that what people fail to realize that is Signal is an insurance like any other insurance. If you call your auto insurance company and say "my won't start," they will you to go see a mechanic and that your problem is not covered under the terms of your policy.

And also, if you get in a car accident, your insurance company will want to know all the details in order to process your claim. As far as frequency of denied claims, I have no idea how The Signal compares to more traditional forms of insurance like auto, home and life.

Also, if you use something like the 6019i or the Moto 262, it makes no sense to have the insurance because you can usually get a used one of these models for about $100. But if you have a RAZR and think you...

Feb 20, 2006, 11:09 AM
I don't think they deny a lot of claims, but when they deny legitimate claims. I don't sell a lot of insurance anymore, i tell people to initial that they dont want it now and if they ever want it they should add it, they can add it anytime just not after the fact and i just noticed but i get a lot less horror stories, if someone wants to buy a used phone the soho's are 50, the 6019's are 50 and the milans and 262's are 99, just to name the cheap ones used. (The most common problem i remember that they used to do is tell people they dont have a specific phone because it was discontinued, but what they would not tell them is that the phone they were sending them was discontinued as well, also, i never saw one T731 replacement that didnt have ...

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