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USCC 2005 Possibilites


Jan 18, 2005, 12:52 PM
*USCC is looking to "possibly" release a Smartphone such as a Treo or Blackberry by mid-year.

*USCC is currently testing Push-2-Talk with a "possible" release by mid-year.

Jan 19, 2005, 2:23 PM
God, I hope we don't reeeeally get PTT/SpeedTalk. It's dumb! and annoying! I don't need to hear both sides of another person's conversations, let alone the obnoxious chirping sound it makes. 👿

I do hope we get in a snazzy PDA phone though. The 7135 is bigger than the book I'm reading right now. 🙂

Jan 19, 2005, 4:05 PM
You'd better believe we're getting PTT. It's been testing in Chicago since Q3 last year and doing really well there. Should be rolled out here sometime soon. If you think about it, though, it'll open us up to a new type of customer. I know of 4 area schools with Nextel accounts because of PTT, plus school transportation companies, and some construction business. I think it'll be good for us. 🙂

Jan 19, 2005, 5:47 PM
Yeah PTT is awesome and good for business. Most of the nextel covarage is not that great in alot of rural areas that uscc covers. If we can offfer the same quality push to talk and reach out to alot of new cusomters then it will be a sucess. I think it should be free for the 1st month so that users can test it out b4 they spend the $ on it. I myself think push to talk is crap.

Mar 20, 2005, 1:12 PM
But wut phones will they offer with ptt.

Mar 20, 2005, 7:31 PM
Ok , USCC is killin me. How much longer for the PA phone like the treo. I need a PDA phone uscc people. Can someone give me a better idea on release?

Mar 21, 2005, 1:02 AM
If it's anything like what the new version of kodiak's ptt is, then it will be awesome, their new version of ptt is much more like a Instant Messenger type setup showing you on screen if someone is avaliable to talk to and if not you can leave a ptt voice message, just the thought makes you not want to hate ptt quite as much.

Mar 21, 2005, 2:07 PM
there are two phones tested for the ptt. Motorola V65p and the Kyocera K 444. the ptt service is called "speedtalk". it'll only work in the data service area.

Mar 23, 2005, 6:38 PM
djfreqsho said:
the ptt service is called "speedtalk". it'll only work in the data service area.

So, why will it only work in the data service areas?

Mar 24, 2005, 4:52 PM
So, why will it only work in the data service areas?

It's the local coverage areas. The towers would need to be uscc towers for the speedtalk. The same reason other providers can't use their data services on uscc network usually

Mar 24, 2005, 5:36 PM
So, data as in Easyedge. Technically our ee data coverage isn't as much as our local coverage area. At least here on the west coast. I mean, you can still text while roaming.
And using PTT isn't really airtime, since it's one way right? I was under the impression PTT doesn't require "committed airtime" which is why Verizon (for example) offers unlimited PTT plans.

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