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What do you think?


May 15, 2007, 12:05 PM
Well to start off let me introduce myself, I'm an agent for US Cellular. I'm just curious if anyone here knows anything about any new phones we are getting other that whats on the buzz? I know the stuff on our rebate forms should be coming out, but nothing looks that awesome. Any ideas? And your opinions, if we could get any new phone, what one/ones would you pick?... Thanks

May 15, 2007, 4:36 PM
i really could care less. nothing is exciting me anymore.

May 16, 2007, 6:19 PM
Dont expect the latest and greatest... uscc is always last to market and way far behind in leadership..there will be nothing coming out this year to impress anyone..

May 17, 2007, 4:44 PM
I have to say you are all correct. There is nothing coming out and the new lg that looked like a Razor they are not getting that anymore. I dont know what the problem is and why we cant get good phones. The strobe is the worst how can all the others get better phones?

May 22, 2007, 1:23 PM
I agree. I don't want to end up disapointed by getting my hopes up but it looks like we may have some awesome phones coming out (if they pass testing that is). I'm up for renewal in october so i'm hoping we get either the samsung or moto slider by then. is there a phone tools-like program for samsungs?

May 28, 2007, 2:02 AM
we will have some great phones coming out that other carriers don't have yet! USCC what the absolute first to have the moto red razr. USCC had an exclusive on it for the first 15 days and the USCC red moto razr debuted in the motorola store in chicago, IL. so give uscc a break they only do what they can afford to do!

May 28, 2007, 1:36 PM
I think if your an agent you need to reprioritize your thinking and start talking up Uscellular, they are a GREAT company to be with and to work for. Anyone would love a job with Uscellular, they treat their employess like kings and queens.......so Think of USCC as #1 and it will all come into place, UsCeullar treats their customers with the best experience and is always looking out for them.

May 29, 2007, 9:48 AM
I'm not anti-uscellular! I love working for this company. Our customer service and reception is unsurpassable and I never said I was unhappy about anything. I'm just stating that it doesn't seem that we get the best selection of phones. Or if when we do get something great, it's either after the big guys (which is understandable) or they take them away (nokia 6265 anyone?). I am exited about the new bacth we may recieve but i know sometimes phones don't pass testing and am not getting my hopes up for a certian one yet.... thats all i was saying. Thank you

May 29, 2007, 3:06 PM
Indeed, this company is top notch. It is absolutely peerless.

The ONLY negative thing about our company is the haughty "NO CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM" folk like GOUSCC up there.

If only the attitude were isolated.

Jun 2, 2007, 4:54 PM
well thanks Phydeaux. 😁

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