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LE Audio

(Bluetooth LE Audio)

A newer standard for audio over Bluetooth designed to replace the original headset and hands-free profiles that have been the most popular use and implementation of Bluetooth since its inception. Announced in 2020, LE Audio uses the Bluetooth LE radio for lower power consumption.

See: Bluetooth LE

LE Audio takes advantage of the broadcast capability of Bluetooth LE, which allows one audio source to transmit to an unlimited number of Bluetooth devices nearby. Individuals can use this feature to listen to music or watch video together. The broadcast feature is also designed for buildings such as theaters, airports, museums, gyms, and convention centers. Users can choose a public (or password-protected) Bluetooth LE audio stream, much the same as choosing Wi-Fi networks, and listen to the audio channel (or language) of their choice.

Because it uses the Bluetooth LE radio and also a new "LC3" codec, LE Audio devices should use up to 50% less power compared to Classic Audio devices. Alternately, device makers can choose to offer much better sound quality using the same amount of power as Classic Audio devices.

LE Audio also supports multi-stream and stream syncing. This provides better native support for stereo true wireless earbuds, and allow earbuds to remain connected to multiple source devices simultaneously.

The LE Audio spec also includes specific features to better support Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids.

LE Audio requires Bluetooth version 5.2.

Bluetooth is a collection of a optional specifications that allow it to be implemented differently in different devices. These modules are called "profiles".

The core profiles usually required to implement LE Audio include BAP
(Basic Audio Profile), CAP (Common Audio Profile), MCP (Media Control Profile), CCP (Call Control Profile), and VCP (Volume Control Profile).

In addition, one or more "Use Case" profiles are required to actually use LE Audio. These higher-level profiles include TMAP (Telephony and Media Audio Profile), PBP (Public Broadcast Profile), and HAP (Hearing Access Profile, for Hearing Aid ecosystem).

See: PBP

See: HAP

Last updated Aug 15, 2023 by Rich Brome

Editor in Chief Rich became fascinated with cell phones in 1999, creating mobile web sites for phones with tiny black-and-white displays and obsessing over new phone models. Realizing a need for better info about phones, he started Phone Scoop in 2001, and has been helming the site ever since. Rich has spent two decades researching and covering every detail of the phone industry, traveling the world to tour factories, interview CEOs, and get every last spec and photo Phone Scoop readers have come to expect. As an industry veteran, Rich is a respected voice on phone technology of the past, present, and future.

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