HTC TyTN / 8525 / JasJam (Hermes)
Average Ratings

ahhh...so much better than my Treo 700w
Got it a week ago, and I still can't stop playing. I switched from VZW to ATT (ATT service coverage is MUCH better in my city)...also, ATT didn't disable the WiFi like VZW did for my Treo.
Large screen is beautiful
Processor is fast
Voice and call quality excellent
Camera is amazingly good! Lots of features
Zero problems w/Active Sync (unlike my Treo)
Easy to use email, messaging
Scroll dial (no wonder folks love this on blackberry!)
Side sliding keyboard-big keys, fewer mistakes
Instant landscape when keyboard is slid out
Hasn't locked up yet! (crossing fingers)
EDGE is fast enough (compared to VZW data)here
Who knew WiFi was such a great thing on a phone...never could use it on VZW!
Stereo bluetooth
Strong internal antenna
Mp3 and video are both excellent on this device
Comm Manager--very nice
Pricey, but so was ATT's Treo upgrade
Already have a damaged pixel..not a big deal, but sort of drives me nuts...
No insurance available (ATT issue)-what's this about?!
No one-handed dialing in the car due to touch screen keys
Headset port does not work w/my fm transmitter-not a huge deal, but annoying
Battery life is only OK
No intuitive voice dialing or voice commands
Basically, anything that wasn't as hinky as my Treo 700w was going to be an improvement for me. I had set my expectations low already, and was so relieved this device and ATT lived up to its promises. Oh yeah, my city has so much WiFi coverage, I've barely had to use EDGE. But it's still nice to have it.

New ATT 8525 User in Baltimore
I never thought I would become a Cingular/ATT customer, but I could resist the seduction of the 8525. I live in Baltimore, MD where ATT's 3G coverage is very good. I use Verizon for voice service, but EVDO cant compete with ATT's 3G speeds
- 3G speeds and coverage are amazing
- Sliding keyboard with tactile key placement
- Features and on-board applications
- Solid build quality
- Great sound
- Very expandable
- Decent laptop replacement for minor tasks
- Windows OS lacks creativity and originality

My best friend
I have had this phone since November 2006.
It took about a week to learn the ins and out because i never owned a pda before. So i did a little research and downloaded software to make it a little easier to use.
Spb pocketplus taskmanager (must have)
Shozu (pictures)
XM Radio (at&t)
Instant Messaging (at&t)
I believe at&t just came out with the updates for the re-branding for this device. But before you do that dl shozu to back up your contacts.
All in All the only problems that i have had with this device is that it freezes about once a month but a soft reset handles that. I have a 2gb memory card and a jawbone bluetooth headset. So i have no complaints. I'm now waiting on the UMTS Iphone.

Total PDA
I got this phone as my work phone(I work for Cingular/AT&T) The phone does everything. I use to be a tech with Verizon and had the mot 815.. so I wanted some of the feature that phone had like a big keypad and big screen ect. This phone met all those requirements and more. I have had the phone a month and still havent found everything. If i was a customer I would prob still buy this phone even though the price is high and the internet package would hurt the wallet some.
*Big screen and buttons
*great signal
*cool slide screen ability
*great camera 2.0mp and camera features
*windows-easy to use
*email sent right to my phone
*best phone i ever had
*expensive 449 with 2 year contract
*freezes up once a week
*not a phone u can do stuff while driving
other than that I believe the phone is awesome... the freezing gets on my nerves but i know that most pdas freeze up so often.

This phone is great I've had it for about a month now, and it does all the great things that I loved the 8125 for plus.
Pros: scroll wheel, touch screen, and keyboard.
Large screen and more internal memory than the predecessor 8125.
So easy to get free software and other software upgrades.
Cons: Me nor an cingular agent can get this phone to bluetooth ring tones from a "standard phone" to it. I've tried three different phones other than mine and 2 different 8525. If anybody could help me with this, let me know.

This is a great phone maybe even the best
I love this phone/PDA/Computer. It's has it all for a PDA phone.
Pros -
1. It grabs a tower and hangs on for dear life
2. Good camera for a phone and the flash is nice
3. The keyboard is better than most for big hands and has a nice wide screen to work with.
4. It can be used to access the Internet from your Laptop (although it requires setting up not for a non tech) It works extremely well on the Cingular network. Just as fast as DSL and allows me to VPN to work on the road. Refer to the included CD for the procedures under OEM folder User manual chapter 6-6.
5. Looks great big screen and good sound
6. Email is easy to use
7. Wi-fi you can't go wrong but not going to use it much with a unlimited data plan
8. It works fast and is an all inclusive phone.
9. 3G
Cons -
1. Not a one handed phone but we shouldn't dial and drive at the same time. I am bad about that so this will help.
2. It needs a bigger battery (Easily fixed by buying an after market)
3. All opened programs will stay running (Settings/System/Memory/Running Programs to stop all)
4. Does not automatically disconnect from the GPRS network.
5. Not very intuitive you need to be technologically advanced to really get the benefit of this phone.
6. You will have to protect it screen is exposed.
Overall for me this is the perfect phone.

I have used many pdas in my work for the wireless companies in the USA. And this is buy far the greatest phone ever made.
Once WM6 comes to the public people will be saying iwhat, this phone beats the iphone already and the iphone isnt even out. HSDPA says it all, wifi is good and great but if ur not in a wifi hot spot then are still safe with this great device, however iphone ur out of luck. Have fun loading news.com with EDGE.

Really Nice .
I really like this phone. As an owner of an Ipaq which has no phone Win Mobile 5 was familiar.
Cons: Needs third party software to really get it going right.
Pro's: Video playback is excellent, no skips or pauses.
Recently sent email with attachments I took with the spiffy camera while on the phone and they got them instantly.
Text messages automatically insert ' on words like I'm and wasn't. Automatically capitalizes "I" and "I'm"
Love the keyboard
Feels solid not like some cheap plastic phone.
I like to play chess online - this phone does that quite well. Although still looking for a good program to get me on to ICC. (Not Intellichess) Right now I use ChessOk.
Syncs are no problem
No lag or restarts needed no freezes
Love the 3G!
Wishlist: I hope to God Cingular is going to allow us to upgrade to Win Mobile 6 when it's released and I hope this device will support it.
A cap/shift button on "both" sides of keyboard.
Firefox for PPC with flash and java and ssh
Gamepads/joysticks that would plug into the mini-usb port - that would really increase these things gaming capabilities.
In conclusion this phone/pda rocks!

HTC 8525 Best Phone I ever Owned
I had this phone for over a month and love it!!!
It is extremely fast compared to all the other PDA phones that I had. The 3G is incredible.
The wireless modem is great for pairing with a laptop.
The only thing I do not like, or I should say could be improved is the slider could be a little tighter. It opens a little easier then I like.
*** Do not settle for the 8125, go ahead make the plunge. You will NOT regret the 8525 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8525- Not for Beginners
I bought the 8525 2 months ago and have generally been delighted. It is however not a phone for the non-'phone geek'. it has taken over a hundred dollars in after market software to make it livable as an every day phone.software added: sbp pocket shell- makes the menus ''phone-like'', adds weather, time and photo speed dial tabs to today screen, cool colored themed
spb pocket plus- looping alarms (sorely needed), closes button really closes, boot up in safe mode, multiple pages opened in IE
opera browser- great in landscape mode
google maps for WM5
2K2 hacks- change system font colors, get rid of envasive 'message sent' bubble for text messaging. Big plus.
once all this software is installed this is hands down the most impressive phone/pda on the market.
First and foremost, phone sounds good, good reception
Great screen
Good keyboard (used for this review from my couch
Decent camera
3G- good as it's cracked up to be, though I opt for wifi when available
Battery life- lasts a full day of calls, music playing, internet surfing and other constant invetered fiddling
You may feel confident showing up treo owners
Operating system stability is top notch. Won't hang on you
Slider just loose enough to make me think about it
Slightly outdated operating system (only the very tech-minded will ever care. I barely do)
Keyboard decent, but sometimes I miss my old Nokia Communicator.
Extremely technical 'Windowsy' environment (again, sometimes miss Symbian). operating system is just not much of a pleasure to use, although this is somewhat mitigated by Pocket Shell (a must for any WM5 owner, whatever devise)
In all I can recommend this devise for anyone primarily interested in raw capability. just remember if a sexy easy to use devise is what youZre after, you may want to look elsware.