UTStarcom PPC-6700 / XV-6700 / HTC Apache
Average Ratings

The device for me!
I am currently selling my Sony Clie UX-50 and my i600 smartphone. This thing does it all and does it well.
Pros: REALLY an all in one device
Cons: This is just a small one...the slide does not seem the best.
Overall I am very impressed with this device. We will see how durable it is.

Great Phone! Love it , love it!
This phone is what I was looking for. It is small enough to be regarded and looked at as a phone. Lol. I've had damn near every phone and PDA that has hit the market. I'm kind of embarrased to say. Remember the sharp wizards and oh yeah the Newton? Had em! So more recently I had the Treo 650 then the ppc 6601 & 6600. They were all great phones but something seemed to be missing. Treo great phone but wasn't powerful enough for me. 6601 was very buggy great phone. 6600 much better but the bluetooth was just ok and no EVDO! Wifi I can take it or leave it. This phone just seems to have the missing links I so desired. Bluetooth is much better, EVDO, I freakin love it! When Im not in front of my computers, I can quickly check my Ebay sales or price compare. No more slow poke downloads! I mean I kinda miss the bigger screen on the 6600, but come on guys you gotta give something up to get something. We all are looking for perfection, but we must remember we all as human beings have an insatiable appetite for more stuff. I love this phone, but I must admit when the new IT pda phone comes out, Im gonna get that too.

Excellent! Extremely versatile!
I love this phone. I'm a mac user too, so that's saying a lot. My experience with it after one week has been amazing. I'm very impressed with windows mobile and the bundle of apps they include on the device. The calls are very clear, inputing contacts is a breeze, the keyboard layout is really handy... And believe it or not, this phone isn't really all that big. It's a very 'helpful' phone.
My gripes are few, but here they are:
- Getting ring tones on it is a pain. (I end up making my own and inputing them as MP3's)
- sending pictures can only be done via e-mail, not text-message (or maybe they can, but i don't know how).
- Sometimes navigating all the menus and settings takes some computer wizardry (luckily I like that type of stuff).
None of these gripes is enough to stop me from totally enjoying this phone. It's very powerful, and not at all like my old PDA I used to have, but ditched. I think they finally got it right.
Did I mention I'm a mac user??

Better then my treo.....BY FAR!
First off you guys need to stop complaining about stupid things when it comes to this phone. No phone is perfect. I got this phone beginning of the month and it is great. The WI Fi kicks ass. Nothing like zoning out the wife in bed at night and surfing the net through my wireless network. The speed is just a tic under my laptop when on the net. Much faster then dial-up. The keyboard is great, much better then the Treo (to small) Also this is smaller the the Treo (even though some of you say it is bulky when you just upgraded from the Treo) and it is lighter too. Phone calls are fine as well. Now, I have done a soft reset on this already. Thats only because my friend and I were at a bar and he decided to look up porn on the phone. Any why this is a great phone for the business user or if you use the net a lot. the only thing I would complain about is the antenna should be internal, its like 1/4 of the size (not really, just big). Also I have a tendency to hit the camera button when the phone is in landscape. Now I love the phone the only reason I gave it 4.5 is because NO phone is perfect. If you find one let me know.

Great PDA Phone
This is definitely the best phone I have had. It has every feature you could think off and works quite seamlessly. The keyboard is awesome and easy to use (using it right now), the camera takes good pics, call clarity is excellent, and the connectivity options are truly amazing. So far, I have been able to use the phone for a full 12 hours with moderate use and still have 40% battery life left, and that is a conservative estimate.
The only complaint I have is the key/screen lock. I like to use it as an MP3 player and keep it in the holster while I listen. Unfortunately, when the lock is turned on everything else shuts off. The only thing you can do with the lock on is receive calls. Also, the new active sync is really slow, not sure why. Other than that, the phone is perfect!

What can't it do?
Wow this thing is unreal! Been playing with it for about a week and I have to say, if this is the future for smartphones, I'm a happy camper! They've really done a great job at integrating all of the functionality with the 6700 and it's size, while a little on the thick side, is still quite managable. My quick list of pros and cons:
-WiFi integration: in my opinion, this is the 'kiiler app' and makes this phone stand out above the rest. Turn on WiFi and forget about -- when you leave your network it automatically switches over to Sprint's network. And it works quickly & flawlessly. Also works great in locating any nearby WiFi access points.
-Keyboard: Lots of room, makes text input a breeze.
-Bluetooth 1.2: really snappy when connecting to my headset (Scala-500) as compared to my Treo. Static problems have also gone away, and it responds to the headset re-dial feature now!!
Voice Dial v1.5: this is an add-on app available from Microsoft ($39) but is well worth the price. Too many features to describe here, but this app adds unbelievable functionality beyond simple call handling, like opening apps, playing media, etc.
-EVDO: when you're in a coverage area, it's FAST. My tests ranged from 420 to 740 kbps with just 1-2 signal bars. On 1X RTT my Treo would max at around 100 kbps.
-Windows Mobile5: sluggish at times and a little buggy. Be prepared for some soft AND hard resets while they work out all of the kinks.
-Mini-SD: Looks like there is plenty of room for a regular SD slot on the 6700. The smaller formats make sense for thinner/smaller devices, but not here.
-No Picture Mail: No way to readily send a picture with another PHONE. Have to send pics via Outlook to an email account unless you know the back door approach.
-Outlook: This app is also uses to send SMS, but it does not allow you to send a text msg to someone's email address -- can only send to a phone#!!!

Verdit is still out
I've been waiting for a PocketPC device with Treo/BlackBerry functionality.
I really wanted to use the new FREE push-email capability of Exchange servers without BlackBerry or other software.
Battery life is a serious problem. I'm only getting a few hours, with moderate usage. I'm used to phones that last for days. I might be OK with 24 hours. But 4 hours?! I've done tweeking turning off WiFi, reduced backlight timing, etc. but it is still a problem. Why bother putting WiFi, etc in if it can't be used very long?!
Phone lock doesn't stick. I use the top-button to lock the phone, but it keeps turning itself back on. In my pocket this is not seen. I'm not sure what is doing this?
I'd prefer a slimer and lighter device. It feels bigger then a Treo.
My phone keeps having the brightness turn itself all the way down. Have to struggle in the dark to turn it back on. It's doing this on it's own.
I'm not sure why I need WiFi? (Or IrDA for that matter) With EVDO, I'd prefer to have a phone smaller, lighter, with longer battery life (and cheaper?) without WiFi.
Sluggish performance is a problem. I notice delays in launching apps, and in the screen orientation switch when the keyboard slides out.
I do like the capabilities of Windows Mobile 5.0. The browser is pretty good.
Screen resolution is great.
Call quality is very good.
The BlueTooth works great with my Acura in-car system.

6700 vs Treo 700w
Overall I would give this device a 5.0 when comparing it to what is available through Verizon Wireless at the current time. I had two different Treo 700w devices and had nothing but bad luck with them (constantly needed to be reset, froze a lot, slowed down with added data). Switched to the 6700 and even though there are some negatives such as it seems that the 6700 response time is a little slower then the 700w but it's big keyboard and added memory (and the fact that it's $100 less then the 700w) highly make up for this devices downfalls in terms of what I need this device to do for me. Is it perfect? No, but no smartphone really is yet. Do I think this is a no-brainer over the 700w? For sure. Especially for those who change phones often like myself. This is the perfect Verizon smartphone to own until the next best thing is available.

Definetly impressed
I've had this phone for a couple of days now and am loving it! The signal strength is the same as my lg8100 or 9800. Pocket pcs always seem to have less signal. I still have the samsung i700 activated and have 2 more bars on the 6700. If you live in a weaker signal staring area good luck with a palm. I had the 700w for 3 days but I didn't get any signal but totally loved the phone and how easy it was to use. I hated to see it go.
1. Great signal strength
2. Same size as the palm
3. Has nice charging and syncing ports
4. Battery life is good and verizon even sells a extended battery.
5. Could go on and on and on and on!
1. The text messages alerts were very annoying. When you send a text message you would be told twice that you sent it. One said it has been sent, and then you actually got a text message saying text message delivery successful! Resco explorer 2005 and some help from our forum saved the day!
2. Stylus is kept in the antenna. Looks like it would be easy to lose. Maybe that's why they give you 2 of them.
I've downloaded Spd pocket plus and resco registry editor and I can't believe all the programs already available for windows mobile 5. For only being out a week this pocket pc phone is the best verizon has to offer and is 100 bucks cheaper than the rest.