Audiovox CDM-9900
Average Ratings

What a great phone.
This phone is amazing. I decided to donate my vx6000 to my mom and pick this phone up at full retail for $149. That price is only till October 11th by the way.
Amazing screen. It blows every other screen out of the water.
Mp3 ringers
Camera, movie mode with flash
Easy Menus- slight learning curve though
Battery life
External screen hard to read
Lack of vib & ring
Cannot assign a ringer for different actions per contact ( one contact has one ringer for everything...Txt messages, calls )
Lack of Get it Now applications
The pros definatley overcome the cons. If you have the oppurtunity to get this phone get it and enjoy.

Good Phone
I've had the phone for about a day now, and I'm still not entirely sure I'm going to keep it.
I'm coming from my trusty StarTAC 7868W. I had the StarTAC for 4+ years, and it's finally starting to die.
Overall, I think this phone is a steal for $50. (The price I paid with a 2 year agreement.) But it does have some problems.
Since most people here have nicely summarized what's good about this phone, here is what I have found is not so good:
1.) No "sidetone". Sidetone is the slight sound of your own voice in the earpiece when you talk. When you talk into this phone, you hear absolutely nothing. My StarTAC has sidetone, and not having it is quite jolting.
2.) RF is iffy. I'm not saying the reception is bad, but it doesn't seem quite as good as my StarTAC.
3.) Some what of a "cheap" feeling. My StarTAC feels like it was built to last, and it was. This phone isn't shoddy or anything, but the plastic case feels kind of flimsy.
4.) Hard to open/close with one hand. Again, my StarTAC was very easy to open and close with either my left or right hand. This phone has a very strong spring that keeps it either open or closed, and overcoming that spring can be difficult with one hand. When I do manage to get it open, I usually end up accidentally hitting one or more keys.
All of these things might seem trivial to most, and maybe they are, but it took a very long time (and impending hardware failure) for me to finally give up my StarTAC and I really wanted my new phone to be at least as good as the StarTAC.
At this point, I don't think I can say it is. Sure, it's got lost of nifty bells and whistles, but what I want is a sturdy phone with great reception and great battery life. That's it! No matter how many gizmos you throw on a phone, they won't make up for the basics if they're lacking.
All that said, I'm still giving this phone a 4/5. It's a good phone, and I'm going to give it a few more days before I decide to keep it or return it.

A Must Buy!!!!!
Verizon just offered this phone, supposedly at an introductory price. Oct 11, the price might go up, although its unknown much much.
Pros: Crystal clear screen, speakerphone, huge screen, clear signal.
Cons: None
If you are a Verizon customer, or potential customer, buy this phone. You will NOT be disappointed!

"Finally a Verizon phone one can love!"
Pros: Excellent features. Clear call quality. Easy to use menus....Sharp camera with flash...Great looking overall.
Good color screen except in daylight/sunlight. Press and hold the side volume key to light up exterior lcd.
Cons: Too many extra buttons on the front

WOW! A Great Phone
I was planning on buying the lg 7000 when the rep told me about this. I compared the two, and wow, even though they are very similar, the screen on the 9900 is amazing! And I got his phone for free, but it is usually 49.99, whereas the lg is 180.00. The value for this phone is great. It is very easy to move around the meunus, I barely had to read the manual. If you are looking for a new phone, camera or not, you must have a look at this one.

best phone yet
i just got the phone today @10am and i love it the screen is the best i have seen
pors: everything i love this thing good speaker ring tones color screen the size is just right thanks audiovox for the best phone yet
cons : no mega pix yet but is still really good
had the audiovox 8900 this is better then the 8910 8900 and they all cost the same

Everything is great except the earpiece volume
Pic quality is great. Video is cool after you get Quicktime 6.5. Won't play without that one my pc. I shot a video through my dirty windshield and it looked pretty good.
I had and still have the 8900 and I liked it unlike some others that did not. This was free with NE2 (actually $12.56 tax).
The only neg. so far is the handset volume seems low.

this is da best cell phone yet to be introduced
before i began let me just say that this is my first cell phone ever, but i already know what good cell phones and bad cell phones are
because I have many friends who have cell phones.
I dont think there is a phone out currently thats better than this phone
Speakerphone is very loud and clear
Over 40 different ringtones thats not justa bunch of beeps put together
Signal works in all elevators and very little train stations that are underground

The reason some of these phones are rated so high!!!
I originally wrote a review about this phone when I just bought it under al2nd2nun. I just recently returned the phone but was unable to update my original review of the phone unless I created this second account. This phone is horrible yes at first the price for the features seem great but once you spend some time you start to notice that it does not live up to it's billing.
First the battery life is no where what it says it is. If you are planning to buy this phone and not charge it just about every night you are mistaken. Especially if you use any of the camera features also the flash on the camera is a total waste. It provides absolutely little or no difference in the picture. The picture looks grainy in low light. I could go on forever about all these features but what it all boils down to is that this foremost is a phone!! The call clarity has something to be desired the call does not sound digital sounds more like analog when you use an earpiece I have tried multiple earpieces with this phone the jabra, motorola, Shure, verizon boom earpiece and generic. They all still meet with the same effect you sound like you are in the bathroom or talking into a tin can. Once you unplug the earpiece and talk directly into the phone they hear you clearly but the handset earpiece has only one hole so if you move the phone you can't hear the other person. I would highly recommend that you don't buy this phone but they are mostly out of stock and the phone has already been discontinued!!! Run if you still have the chance either away from this phone or back to the store if you still have the grace period to return it!!!
Lastly I think this site is terrific but if you are going to let people rate phone let them have the chance to change their rating after they have had the phone a while this will give the consumer a true metric as to how the phones really stack up!!!

Great Phone with Great Service
This phone ROCKS!!!! It better then any sprint phone i have ever had. This phone has so may features.
-Large Color Display
-Great Phone
-Great Size
-Great Menu and Camera
Can't Find ANY!!
This phone holds great servie and its a Tri Mode Phone.. Overall i would by another phone for a friend...