Nokia 6101 / 6102
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6102.....AIM and Yahoo
Mar 2, 2006, 7:18 PM
Ok here is the deal the other day I was talking to my wife on AIM with my phone to her computer. Well I accidentally hit the exit key so I went back in to it and I accidentally hit it again. I was trying to log off but kept messing up. Well after the second time it happen I receive a Java script error and the phone shut off. Well I turn it back on and now when I try to log on to AIM or Yahoo I get "Allow network access?" message. Well I click on yes and it logs in but now I can not send any msg or receive msg, plus I can not log off the phone either. My wife has one too and it does the same thing as well. Is this a software problem? Is this a Nokia problem or Cingular?
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