Nokia 6682 / 6681
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Minuet Browser
Anyone used this. It says it supports full HTML including log ins to all sites. Opera still won't allow me to log into Ebay. Maybe this will?
Never even heard of it before.
I found it, and it wouldnt even go to this website so I quickly deleted it. I cant believe they want $18 for that crap. I can go to EBAY with Opera mini all day long.
Yeah, I posted before I had even seen the site. And I agree on it being a total waste. I did find another browser though, thunderhawk, which looks rather promising, although I can't seem to get it work right, and don't intend to pay the extreme prices they want for it for a registered version. I can go to Ebay as well. I have Opera 8.6 (or whatever the latest version is), and searching for items is easy, but I can't log into my account to view myEbay items or bid on items which would be a great thing to be able to do.
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