LG VX-6100
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6100 Pulled from VZW Site
I guess they jumped the gun on this one.
I imagine we'll see it again in the very near future.
Oct 13, 2004, 12:35 PM
Hope so, just ordered one yesterday. Not in a huge hurry, the old 510 is still working OK.
it's a sweeeeeeeeeeeet phone.. too bad it's tri mode... tho for those who live where AMPS is needed it's a good feature.
......."to bad it's tri mode"?.......moron. Don't you realize that trimode is better than all digital? hello? It's like an an air conditioner on a car. If you live in Alaska, you may may never use it. But you never lose anything because it's there. *sigh* I wish more of Verizon's phones were trimode so I had more to chose from. I keep ending up in an analog area every now and then.
I dont understand.. why would they put it up like that if they didn't even have the phones yet? that doesn't seem very smart
It was an error...The 6100 is a replacement for the 6000...They want to deplete the inventory of the 6000 first...
I know.. but don't they have a good amount of the 6600 remaining so both would be out at the same time? or is the 6000 gonna be gone on the 25th, too..
I hope hope hope this is more successful than the 4500 replacing the 4400..
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