Audiovox CDM-9900
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MOK9900 - Mobile Office Kit for 9900 from Audiovox
I just ordered this kit online from Audiovox in hopes of it allowing me to transfer phone numbers back and forth from my PC to my phone. It may even do pics ?!? Anyone tried this package out yet with there 9900?? The desciption seems to indicate that it will do what I expect it to. Thanks
I didn't think there was software for the 9900 and verizon that will download the pix. I will cross my fingers for you! Keep us posted!
I received my Mobil Office software Yesterday. So far I’m very disappointed with it. I called Verzion Technical and it appears that the program only will manage the Name and Numbers but not images, or ring-tones. If I have ring tones or pictures on my home PC, I will have to sent it to my phone by email and pay Verizon their email and picture costs. Now this was only one Tech’s information. He also suggested I look on the Internet to see if I can find an “outside vendor software” to deal with the images and audio transfers. He didn’t have any other suggestion for me. Hopefully someone else can give us insight into this area
alexsNov 26, 2004, 12:57 AM
There is a lot on this group written about this. It seems that Verizon has locked out the phone so that it cannot use a cable to transfer pictures or tones.
This seems to be a Verizon thing!
Has anyone heard of any outside vendor software (besides Verizons) that can be used to manage Numbers names pictures sounds and ringers on your PC through USB office cable connection?
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