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Apple iPhone 3G


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Jun 10, 2008, 6:20 PM
People can compare the current iPhone to the Instinct. At surface value, the Instinct seems to hold its own.

Jun 10, 2008, 7:04 PM
Have you used an Iphone???????The instinct does not even come close. Nothing does yet when it comes to visual delivery. Does the Iphone have every feature we all want? NO. But it is a simple phone to use, and the browser experience has not been duplicated yet.

Jun 10, 2008, 7:13 PM
Have you used an Instinct yet? No I didn't think so, so until you actually get to play the UI and OS it is a little hard to compare them. Also the visual delivery on the Instinct is amazing. I work for sprint and have played with both the instinct and granted the 2g I phone, I prefer the iphone for 3rd applications but without the Instinct actually being released and 3rd party applications being availible for it that could easily change.

Jun 10, 2008, 7:46 PM
Thank you, exactly. And I did say, "at surface value."

Freaking fanboys, getting inflamed for no reason.

Jun 10, 2008, 7:46 PM
You really do not have to wait b/c this was over with before it really started. The Apple will outsell the Instinct by about 10 to 1. The Instinct is a good phone but Apple seems to have everybody's attention and the buzz. Also, if you saw his presentation of features and 3rd party apps, you would just give up this futile argument. Outside of MMS, Camcorder, and A2DP there just is not anything else to get the masses into the Sprint store. And seeing how Sprint PDAs with windows does have the MMS, who cares, just email the pic. A2DP would have been nice but seeing how it is not as popular as people hype it up to be, who cares. Camcorder mode would have been nice but seeing how 99% of phones who have this feature produce some of the mos...

Jun 10, 2008, 7:57 PM
1) The reason I brought this up in the first place was because people were saying that the specs on the Instinct were better than the iPhone. iPhone fans (correctly) countered that it was unfair to compare a phone that is being released this year to a phone that was released a year ago. Now that we know what the 3g iPhone will offer, it IS fair to compare the two. And all I said is that the Instinct holds its own (based on specs).

2) Of course the iPhone is going to outsell the Instinct. It has more hype from a bigger fanbase on a more popular network. That was never debated. But really, what do sales have to do with which phone is better? The RAZR was one of the best selling phones of all time. Was it EVER the best phone avai...

Jun 11, 2008, 5:46 PM
very good points, especially feature wise.

Jun 12, 2008, 5:12 AM
great points. 'nuff said! Thanks for saving me all of that typing.

Jun 11, 2008, 5:44 PM
you are right apple has a lot of people brainwashed to think it is a great phone, the instinct does compete because it is a phone just like the i-Phone (key word phone) not ipda.
Rim os is simple to use and so is Plam os, but no one flocks to those becuase you dont see commercials just like the iphone.
actually i see a rise in people wanting blackberry's.
i think what apple did is just open up the market for manufacturers to see what people really want for devices than just what they THINK we need.
becuase did you notice mant companies now want to produce something similar to the iphone.
i feel it will be surpassed by the end of the year or early next year.
Just like the new mustang brought reto back, it is not a better car just a fl...

Jun 11, 2008, 6:16 PM
Dude...do me a favor and go back and slowly read the your last post. The Iphone will not be surpased this year. Yes every other company in the phone market are trying to mimic the iphone. The Iphone has out sold every other phone available. And you know why? You not only answered your own questions, you then contradicted everything you said. No one likes PALM b/c there crap. Crappy os, crappy battery, and crappy processor. Blackberry, good phones. o and by the way RIM has done more commercial work in the last 6 months than they have every down...period. RIM makes great products. However, blackberry wasn't originally created for music or video, it was a device that only a couple of years ago was rarely seen outside of someones corporate offic...

Jun 12, 2008, 5:23 AM
I hope you know, in terms of sheer volume, iPhone is in no way the leader at AT&T and never has been. I'm not sure where you're getting your numbers but my spreadsheets don't lie.

There's no doubt that the 3G version will be successful (however, not the volume leader). I think you should probably stop pretending that steve is winking lustfully at you during your day dreams. He's got you believing everything he wants you to.

Apple originated the .mp3 market? (not sure about your choice of grammar or the point your making)

Man...I used to use this Napster thing - of course, that was a small, niche pocket of users....oh wait....Apparently Fanning is still famous enough to sell VW's

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSjwLmepdtk »

Jun 12, 2008, 4:44 PM
I know that the present iphone isn't the leader but i would be willing to put money on the fact that with the new iphone releasing at $200, it will sell faster than any other phone. 3/4 of ATT phones are already $150 plus, throw in another 50 and get an iphone...why not?! Second, mp3 PLAYERS (sry left that out) is what i was refering to. There are all kinds of mp3 players. Can you name one from Sony? no...other any other company for that matter. Look, all of this comes down to one thing, Steve Jobs has a way to make his company seem untouchable, and then in a blink of an eye he can turn it into complete crap like he did just a few days ago. I am in no way protecting Apple. the only Apple product i own is a 1st gen 2GB ipod. There are times w...

Jun 15, 2008, 6:33 PM
when he said they "originated the .mp3" market, he means PORTABLE .mp3 market with the iPod. Not iTunes.

Jul 28, 2008, 9:07 PM
oh god fanboys shut up. listen u wanna know the truth? iphone is a ripoff of the lg prada. look at the specs and the legal documentation. ive had enough of u guys speaking of innovation and everyone ripping off the iphone. shut up! they blatenly ripped the prada so the person who should be bitching is lg and not u ass clowns who luv ur apple and cant live without it. prada came first, apple ripped it. they are a brand name but did NOT INVENT THE TECHNOLOGY so stop making it seem like they did.

Aug 20, 2008, 2:45 PM
where the heck is the "applause" emoticon ??

Jun 14, 2008, 7:31 PM
You can't compare the iPhone & Blackberry. BB is a BUSINESS phone, what Apple is looking to achieve. The iPhone is still geared toward the younger generation & trying to move up. The younger generation is not about to buy a high-end business phone. No use for it. Just look at who has BB & who has iPhone.

Jun 17, 2008, 12:31 PM
yeah i like both phones... iphone still sticks out to me...not as fast but looks nicer, more expandable...great features, plenty of more features to come.Intincts more of a phone...and like any other phone theyll have an upgraded version in about 4 months.

Jul 29, 2008, 9:59 AM
As a phone, the Instinct wins! As a mini computer, the Iphone wins(when it works right). I have experience with both 2G and 3G and the 2G has my vote. #G Iphone is riddled with problems(it's ok fanboys). The Instinct is a nice phone but I think the network is a bit sketchy.

Jul 29, 2008, 2:39 PM
It's the same effing phone dude, I haven't noticed anything different other than the obvious upgrades. "Riddled with problems." Pshhh please.

Aug 20, 2008, 3:00 PM
i would say sprint is a lot better network then att, but i guess it depends on the area

Aug 30, 2008, 7:12 PM
sprint has been losing average 750,000 customers per quarter over the last year... what does that say about them.. They just sold $650 million dollars worth of cell towers to get some money to help keep them afloat. Sprint used to be great with lots of innovative ideas but after they acquired nextel they have gone downhill. I used to work for Sprint back in the day and even when i worked there they had average hold times of 30 minutes plus for care issues. You can guage a company's quality by their customer base and churn (customer cancellation). A satisfied customer stays with a company because they are satisfied. Just the same, employees leave because of a manager.. they never leave because of the job.

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