Motorola W385
W385 vs Krazr, which ones better?
Krzr has had lots of returns and problems according to the reps on this site
W385 has a great battery life
it has the rubberized coating that prevents fingerprint (unlike Krzr)
the keypad is not the silvery flat one like the razr or krzr. it actually feels good to your fingers and I know what button i am pushing.
the speakerphone is awesome on the w385
it has the black and green UI instead of the red one that the Krzr has
it feels alot sturdier than the krzr.
If you want an excellent phone to be a phone and text and use bluetooth go with the W385....if you want all the other pay services bells and whistles ie: Vcast...and a phone that may or may not work depending on what unit you get...go with the krzr. Just my t...
The only other phone I got good service in my house with was lg 8600 and the old nokia 6256i...
the nokia was the best of course,,but they kinda suck now that pantech makes them..I had the 6315 and that was junk...
I go threw a few phones a yr and i can tell ya the w385 is real good...