Pantech Ocean
Reviews 42
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Helio Ocean or LG EnV
I'm currently looking at both The Helio Ocean and the LG EnV. Can anyone help me decide?
it depends on what you're looking for in a phone and what is most important to you in a device...
what do you mainly use your phone for and what do you want it to be able to do?
Mainly calling and some organization, texting here and there, Oh and I gotta have the music player.
hmmm....if ur set on either or, id say go with the ocean, but a different phone all together would probably best meet your needs. maybe a cingular 8525? it sounds like ur looking for something more professional, if thats the case, i wouldnt go with the EnV or the Ocean. as far as reception, i would definitely go with helio because they run off both verizon and sprint towers, so you're garaunteed reception. hope that helped, if u have any other questions, please dont hesitate 🙂
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