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8300 Bluetooth issues -Tested more headsets today and it's depressing !


Aug 2, 2006, 11:02 PM
Hey guys

So we got samples of the Plantronics 655 and the 340 today.. I was so psyched to test these because of the great success I am having with the 320R and the 8300.

The Plant 320R is the only headset in existance that has zero feedback, good volume and works with the voice dialer.

I know alot of people think their Scala and Moto headsets work with the 8300 and yes I guess they kind of work but as far as voice quality to the caller and to the cell user. That is where it's bad. Every headset tested from Jabra and Cardo and Moto and Nokia etc. All cause some kind of intermittant Echo to the outside caller. This is unusable when you are doing 4000 Mins a month and using your phone for business. The 320R does a great job and does n...

Aug 3, 2006, 2:08 AM
Are you actually saying... (and I think you are).. 🙂 😁 ... The Bluetooth Plantronics 320R Headset honestly works with the LG VX-8300???
🙂 😁 😲 😁 🙂

PS I complained for the 4th time to LG about this BT problem !!!

Thanks for a GREAT post T-Man !

Aug 3, 2006, 7:57 AM
I talked to VZW tech support on Tuesday 8-1-06. They told me they are testing an update to fix known blue tooth issues. The guy didn't know when it would be available, but at least they are supposedly working on it. I read on Howard forums where someone else was told this and I called VZW for confirmation. So whether or not it is true, it has come from 2 different sources.

I have never had echos when talking to my wife. I haven't asked anyone else. The problem I have is when answering a call the Plantronics 510 will answer the call but about half the time will transfer the sound to the phone. Others are having the same problem and it is not operator error. It's the phone. I too have been using the Plantronics 320 for a few days now and it...

Aug 3, 2006, 11:15 AM
I too, only had luck with the 320, BUT even with that I had problems such as disconnecting for no reason when in standby, or if I said a command then decided to end before connected, it would dial anyway, or redial the last call when I pressed the button to initiate a call. All in all, it was just too much for me. Couldn't deal with it since I use BT so much.

Aug 9, 2006, 9:40 PM
i jus got my plantronics 510 today...its been working so far with very good range...did you guys experience problems after a while of using it?

Aug 16, 2006, 8:56 PM
I have a Jabra bt500, sounds great, no echo problems at all....

Aug 17, 2006, 4:51 PM
I've read several of the messages regarding the BT problem and was wondering if anyone has had any experience (good or bad) with the new MOT H700 BT headset. Thanks.

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