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Left out of the V710 Settlement?


May 26, 2006, 12:03 PM
The Problem: After receiving the original settlement announcement and sending in the form where I selected the settlement choice I preferred. I've heard nothing from anybody and apparently am not included in the settlement. I've sent a letter and two emails about this and have not gotten a reply to either.
Does anybody have a:

1. phone number
2. email address
3. snail mail address

that I can use to contact somebody. I definitely do not want my V710.

Neil R

May 26, 2006, 3:54 PM
Since I made this original posting, I got a reply from my email and would like to share an excerpt from it for your information:

"Please Note: The exchange website is currently available only to Class Members who were mailed the initial Notice and Claim Form sometime between October and December 2005 and/or returned a Claim Form with Option 3 selected on or before December 9, 2005.

All valid claims submitted for Phase II of the V710 Settlement (claims deadline of March 3, 2006) will be mailed Claim Benefit Voucher packets at a later date. These packets are tentatively scheduled to be mailed this summer."

I am apparently in the later batch, which is fine since I'm interested in the Motorola Q which is not quite out yet.


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