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Samsung Omnia i910


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one thing i noticed.... PLEASE READ


Jan 19, 2009, 1:40 PM
i was reading the reviews of the phone, and i always start with the negative first. so im reading the reviews and someone who claims to be a techy nerd says there is no way to delete paired bluetooth devices.


its winmo, so its like a computer. on a computer you can right click, on the omnia you PUSH AND HOLD, and it essentially right-clicks, thus giving you options to delete bluetooth devices.

they do the initial training at the start of the phone, and everyone should do it. some interesting stuff in there 🙂

Jan 19, 2009, 2:29 PM
hey wilv i might as well ask you being that you have the phone, this interface that plugs a harness for every damn cable, will it accept (or the phone for that matter) a wried headset/mic? reason i ask is because currently i use the cable and a tape adaptor to plug it into my car stereo so i pick up calls wirelessley

Jan 19, 2009, 4:48 PM
it should work, if your reffering to the casset addapter for like an ipod (or anything with a 3.5mm headset jack.

it only uses the samsung port, but comes with a cable to go from samsung to 3.5mm, with a built in fm reciever.

so you should be able to plug the cassett addapter into that plug.

Jan 19, 2009, 4:52 PM
and will the external mic work also when i do this?

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