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BlackBerry Curve 8320


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BB Maps


Oct 18, 2007, 9:11 AM
Probably a dumb question 🤭

How does BB Maps work?
DO I need to have data plan to operate it? any of its functions?

Oct 18, 2007, 11:20 AM
Not a bad question at all....

I was also researching into it and found this link which I might be helpful to you..

http://home.comcast.net/~tamsterra/OP/Blackberry_GPS ... »

Oct 18, 2007, 12:20 PM
Thank you for the link.
"to sum up" BB 8320 Has no GPS chip, therefore, it will not work with BB Maps. Additionally, it needs unlimited BB plan, right?!

Then why in the WORLD they put BB Maps in this particular device? To tease/torture?

Oct 18, 2007, 4:22 PM
I was planning to look into getting a device (I dont know the techincal name for it) which will connect using bluetooth and hence enable the location determination in the BB maps. Without this it is just like a using the BB maps to find directions like you will in a mapquest. I will admit I am also new to this and wanted a sleek phone with GPS and Wifi. 8320 comes close to it by having a Wifi. 8310 by AT&T has GPS but no Wifi.
My understanding is that this device can be as small as a keychain. Here is an example of one : (Not sure yet how well this works ??)

http://store.blackberryden.com/freedomgps.html »

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