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Is 8600 worth paying retail for?


Nov 15, 2006, 5:20 PM
Okay, I'm not due for NE2 till 1/08, and I'm not due for my early upgrade till 1/07 (but would need to resign 2 yr agreement which I don't want to do, I'm become too upgrade crazy over new phones).

I was looking at getting the 8600, because my husband's phone crapped out (we didn't have phone insurance ☚ī¸ ). And was wondering if paying the $249.99 was worth it??

Nov 15, 2006, 6:24 PM
I did!! I think the phone is great!!

Nov 15, 2006, 6:28 PM
Same here. So far I am pleased--love the size 🙂
Your call, though. Good luck with your decision.

Nov 15, 2006, 7:22 PM
I only sign one year contracts with Verizon. I would wait till your 2 year contract is over or until you can sign a new contract for only one year without any penalties. Have patience and get out of that 2 year contract, although I have been with Verizon for many years, I want to know that if I decide to move to another company, I do not have to wait so long. I don't know how upgrading works with a 2 year contract but I have been upgrading my phones about once a year.

Nov 15, 2006, 8:14 PM
The thing is, my hubby needs his phone replaced now, so I'm kinda in a bind, I would normally ride out the 2 yr, but we're deperate. If we wind up paying retail, we won't resign anything till at least the 2yr expires in 2008.

Nov 15, 2006, 8:39 PM
doodledog said:
The thing is, my hubby needs his phone replaced now, so I'm kinda in a bind, I would normally ride out the 2 yr, but we're deperate. If we wind up paying retail, we won't resign anything till at least the 2yr expires in 2008.

If it was me I would get the 8300 or the waterproof phone.

Nov 15, 2006, 9:41 PM
I agree with gunny, but wait till after Nov 26th as I think that is when the current promotion with the 8300 ends and the price will go down and then I would buy it at retail (it should be a lot less than the 8600). I am trying the 8600 first and if I don't like it will move to the 8300 myself.

Nov 15, 2006, 9:17 PM
i just got the phone.. you will love it...def do the full retail, as i see it u pretty much have no choice unless u want a low feature phone, but even still you are paying over 100 dollars.. if u want, this is what i did, i added a line to my plan for 9.99, got this phone. and then wen i got home i called vzw and swapped phones, so u could put the new phone on ur hubby's line and the broken number on the new line,, i realize its 10 dollar month waste, but you wont be paying full retail...you can also try ebay, they r usually pretty good...

Nov 15, 2006, 9:17 PM
I just used my NE2 in May and bought the Razr V3c so I'm not eligible again until 3/2008! Compared to other phones, especially those considered the new "hotness", $249.99 is pretty cheap for full retail, in my opinion. I was pretty glad to see it was so cheap. I didn't think twice about ordering mine. Go for it! 🙂

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