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LG VX-8500 Chocolate


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Does the camera have a flash?


Sep 5, 2006, 1:44 PM
I've read a few reviews and none of them mention the camera on the phone having a flash. I've also tried looking for pictures of the back of it to see if I could see one, but I couldn't find any. So does it come with one or not? And if not, do the pictures still come out ok if the lighting isn't all that great?

Sep 5, 2006, 4:32 PM
no flash, but generally speaking the flash on these camera phones suck anyways. The phone has a lighting adjustment and works just fine in low light, it takes better pictures than 90% of verizon camera phones out without the flash. The picture quality is better than my 815 and better than my 8100 and razr was.

Sep 9, 2006, 11:59 AM
Hmmm alright. Thanks!

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