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LG VX-8300


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vx8300 vs Samsung SCH-A930


Oct 25, 2006, 1:48 PM
I am getting a wireless phone and have been comparing these two phones. I have done quite a bit of research and feature wise, they seem nearly identical.

So I am wondering, those of you that may have done the same comparison, why did you choose the Samsung?

Features that are important to me in order are.

1. Usability/performance as a phone. Bat life.

2. Reception/build quality.

2. Calendar/alarm/appointments. Basic PDA "like" stuff.

3. MP3 player usability/sound quality. I am very technically proficient in this area.

4. Speaker phone.

I like the idea of an internal antennae. I would like to use blue tooth stereo headphones when I ski. I would like to be able to update the phonebook/ calendar from ...

Oct 29, 2006, 4:17 PM
Yes, I think you should go with the LG, I've also chosen this over the SAMSUNG for several reasons. The Calender is much better and easier to use in the LG (I tried them both in the store), also the LG saves your own words in T9 mode, so if you type the same word when txting or writing anything, it will appear between all other wordsm The Samsung does not.

The antenna is useful for me - I use it like a "handle" to pull out my phone when it's ringing...

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