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More suggestions please for BT headsets


Oct 20, 2006, 11:18 PM
My Plantronics 655 paired well with the 8300, fits in my ear very well without a hook, incoming sounds are fine, it's wonderfully small and the buttons are fine ... BUT ... the great majority of people who hear ME says the sound is very bad.

It seems hard to determine if V.3 of the software would make a difference (I have V.1). I know several people speak well of the Plantronics 510, but it seems to be about a year behind the curve and it looks a little big.
Do any of you have suggestions for headsets that are very comfortable and work very well (esp. incoming and outgoing quality) with the 8300?

Oct 21, 2006, 10:13 AM
So you dont have the upgrade yet? I highly recommend it, the BT library has been updated and at least one person has reported a very positive change in BT quality.

Oct 21, 2006, 6:46 PM
Hey, if the 510 works, then why not? I sell tons of that headset still. I love mine.

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