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Slingbox, Mobile TV, Skype, with all ~ Beware


Dec 30, 2006, 12:39 AM
These technologies are all awesome and I dearly love them all, but please be aware if you use any of them on a verizon PDA (or aircard), you are risking your service being disconnected. Verizon considers those activities a violation of the terms and conditions of service and I see people cut off for those activities all the time. Its a little-known piece of the fine print and its available online at the vzw website if you dig enough. Most sales and cust service people dont know about it. they'll even tell you sometimes that those activities are fine. Unfortunately they are mistaken and that information is false. I dont want any of you good people to get bit by this. Good luck!

Jan 1, 2007, 1:09 PM
Go ahead and let them try. I will gladly move to another carrier, since it will get me out of my contract. I pay enough money every month to warrant using slingbox from time to time. Unlimited Data should mean just that....and I don't want to hear it from any brain washed tech geeks who work for Verizon!

Jan 2, 2007, 10:31 AM
I agree 100% with what you say about unlimited meaning unlimited data. However, there is a loophole to that in the contract. Furthermore, you will be let out of your contract, but you will be nailed for a $175 termination fee if you do. It's a lose-lose.

Jan 2, 2007, 12:30 PM
I've already looked into it.....thanks.

A - I would have to be slinging for about 5hrs a day to go over the limit.

B- If they do decide to terminate me, there is no $175 fee. That applies only if I cancel.

Jan 2, 2007, 12:33 PM
I was told that it was UNLIMITED also. Is Verizon trying to get rid of people on purpose?

Jan 2, 2007, 3:12 PM
You need to check again! I am not sure about point A (about slinging for 5 hours), but your information on point B is inaccurate! If you violate the terms (abusing data usage) then you WILL be charged the $175. fee for unauthorized usage of data. If you don't believe me, you will find out the hard way.

Jan 3, 2007, 12:31 AM
I see your anger, and I agree that Unlimited should be unlimited, and believe me, there is no shortage of outrage over this issue.

Let me set a few things straight. The Termination fee IS ABSOLUTELY WAIVED. If you have "heard" anything different then you heard poor information or didnt get the whole story. First of all, they send out a letter in advance with an 800 # to call for info. You can call, but you cant stop the disconnection. Theres no 2nd chances. The letter states there will be no termination fee. The termination fees are waived as long as you wait til verizon actually cancells the service. However, and this happens more than it should, lots of folks opt to concell the line on their own with a customer service rep, often jus...

Jan 3, 2007, 10:13 AM
Thank you for your clarification on this issue. When I first got the Black Q, I called a tech rep at Verizon for information on the phone. I asked about running slingbox. He told me that if I did that, then I would have my service terminated without notice. I then argued about the word "unlimited". I was going to get sarcastic and ask him to look up that word in the dictionary. Anyway, it seems like you will be terminated, but the fee can be waived, since they initiated it.

Personally, I think that it is not worht the risk and I will do without slingbox. I like VZW and the phone is great! I am happy with it.

On a side note, has anyone had trouble bringing up thier calls history at times?

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