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Motorola RAZR V3c


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Phonebook and Data Transfer


Dec 7, 2005, 9:55 AM
Hey guys, I am thinking about getting this phone, but my only concern is this non-OBEX Bluetooth issue. I do use Bluetooth headsets, but my main use for Bluetooth is syncing contacts and loading customized displays and ring tones.

Here are my questions:

1) Does the Bluetooth service on this phone support contact syncing even though it does not have OBEX

2) If not, then is there anyway of syncing contacts without manually entering them (I have well over 500 and I am not inputting them in by hand)?

3) Are we just completely out of luck with uploading graphics and mp3s directly into this phone?

Questions 1) 2) are real important tom my decision to get this phone or look else where. 3) is just a geeky nicety.

Thanks gu...

Dec 7, 2005, 10:07 AM
>is there anyway of syncing contacts without manually entering them (I have well over 500 and I am not inputting them in by hand)?<

I use VZW's backup assistant (verizonwireless.com/backupassistant) that keeps my phone book updated. It's a $1.99 download, and I think it's a subscription. For me that's worth it. A real easy way to transfer your numbers to a new or replacement phone without worrying about the guys/gals in the store having worn out cables. Last time my wife got a new phone, the kid didn't want to bother transferring her 350 numbers and said "some times it works but your charging connector on the bottom of the phone isn't good, so I couldn't do it." Too lazy to try. I could see that, (kind a rare for VZW stores in my experie ...

Dec 7, 2005, 10:29 AM
Unfortunately I am with T-mobile right now. VZW wouldn't be able to transfer my numbers to a new phone.

I am really looking for a manual way of tranferring this data. Also, why should I pay anyone to do this? Isn't that one of the main reasons Bluetooth was invented?

I'd even take a sync method using IR if that is possible or the only way....well...maybe I would.

Thanks for the info though BTW the provide link is directing me to the home page. I must have to have a login to get there directly.

Dec 7, 2005, 4:28 PM
Thanks Capt Jeff! Love that back up assistant. I was able to edit/add on line and it immediately updated to my phone. That will be great when I get my razr in a few days to xfer all the #'s! What a great tool!

Dec 7, 2005, 11:09 AM
OK...There is a mini USP port I can do all this with...I think I might go for it...


Through the mini-USB Port, multimedia can be transferred, and contacts and organizers synchronized with a PC.

But the RAZR V3c also supports Bluetooth wireless technology. Connecting with accessories within a 10 meter radius, the V3c offers connectivity with headset and handsfree profiles.

Regrettably the RAZR V3c does not support Bluetooth OBEX (Object Exchange) profiles. As a set of protocols permitting files to be exchanged through Bluetooth, Verizon Wireless has disabled transfer functionality. Conveniently though, multimedia is accessible through its fee-based Get It Now service.

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