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Motorola RAZR V3c


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should *611 have it


Dec 7, 2005, 2:30 AM
now that it's been released on the web, should the *611 reps have it available to order at 6am in the morning? Or do you think they'll still tell me that it's not gonna be available until January??

Dec 7, 2005, 9:06 AM
I have called them 4 times including once this morning and they said it is available online only. I think I will just wait until it is available at the stores, when I get online and click to upgrade my phone it does not show a rebate for it. I have waited forever, a few more days won't hurt I guess.

Dec 7, 2005, 2:15 PM
I was having trouble ordering online so I called them and got it for I think $124 including overnight shipping and tax. They discounted it to include the instant rebate that I should have received online and I was promised a text message later with my tracking number. My fingers are crossed, I should have it in hand tomorrow! Yay!

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