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Oct 29, 2005, 9:00 PM

Bluetooth Syncing

Hi, I plan on getting a Nokia 6682 when cingular re-releases it and I was wondering..How do you know if your computer can sync with bluetooth? I have an hp pavilion, windows XP if that helps. Thanks!
5 replies

Oct 29, 2005, 9:59 AM

6682 Battery Dying Quickly! / 32K sim question

Hello Everyone,
Great forum...I just got my 6682 and love it! Of course I have the usual issues (losing call log when phone is turned off and the "copy contacts" message) but the phone is well worth dealing with those things. Now I'm noticing that my battery is dying very quickly. I have the active standby on, bluetooth off and the 64K sim. The lifeblog is not installed. I charged it last night and when I woke up this morning it was down to two out of six battery indicators already. I just leave it on, the screen goes dim of course, and the screen saver comes on (the default time/date screen saver).
Could this be another 64K sim issue? Anyone else have this problem?
Also, I'm thinking of maybe getting the 32K sim...once you buy it ...
5 replies

Oct 29, 2005, 6:23 PM

Putting music into the phone

Is there any way to copy songs that I have saved on my computer to the phone? I am looking in the book and I searched this site, but I didn't find anything. Thanks!
6 replies

Oct 26, 2005, 10:56 PM

Phone is back to normal...with 64k SIM

Just a follow up to my previous post. I had said my 6682 worked fine for the first 3 weeks...then it went crazy with losing voice tags, call logs, turning itself off in the middle of the night. Well, it's been working absolutely perfect now for the last 4 days...no problems at all. I wish I could take the credit, but it seems to have fixed itself. I ordered a 32k SIM from a local Cingular rep (got it for free) but haven't picked it up yet....maybe I won't have too! So I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything is ok now.
11 replies

Oct 28, 2005, 7:47 AM

Voice Dialing?

I stored some voice tags but couldn't get my phone to actually access the feature. Everytime i push the voice connect button, instead of it asking what name i want to call, it pops up a message sayting "This application requires a licence managaer, download? " So i'm not sure if its an error in the software but it's not letting me use my voice tags. What do u all think?
8 replies

Oct 27, 2005, 9:58 PM

Mistake to keep it?

I'm new to cingular. I started off w/ the Treo 650, froze up and rebooted itself constantly, not worth the trouble. switched to the 6682 and are having problems with it including poor reception ( worse than sons Razr V3 and wifes SE 710a) The thing is... I really like this phone. my 30 days are almost up, wife switched from her 6682 to SE 710. Am I making a mistake not switching or will these problems be fixed including reception. thanks for your .02
8 replies

Oct 28, 2005, 7:24 AM

Voicesignal Full version?

does the full version of voicesignal support voice to text? just wondering if i buy voicesignal if i can write a text message just by saying what i want?
7 replies

Oct 27, 2005, 4:56 PM

If you had

$20 to spend at Handango, what would you buy?

I just got a gift certificate there...
6 replies

Oct 28, 2005, 4:00 PM

Every once in a while

I get a data call. At first I thought it was a fax calling, but I tried that amd the phone would ring as normal.

I have received them only on Nokia's 6200, 3300, 6230 and now my 6682.

Anyone know the origin of these calls?

I'm going to Google.

Oct 26, 2005, 6:23 PM

Latest 32k Sim Card Saga

You know ....after all this hoopla about the 32k and some of icyhot's comments..I said what the hell...ordered one through ebay..called Cingular (who were somewhat reluctant to program a 32k card). Finally talked them into doing it....WOW....it worked like a champ...I live in West Sacramento...not only does it solve call log issue..sim card copying problem...but I swear..I get a better siganl...I kid you not....so yet another case from the 32k X-Files...enjoy
13 replies

Oct 22, 2005, 1:09 AM

Opera Browser

I know most of us use Opera here on our phones, but since the desktop browser became free, how many have checked it out? I did, and I kinda trashed IE lol. Found myself using Opera almost exclusively now.
7 replies

Oct 27, 2005, 6:11 PM

Between Nokia 6682 & Sony Ericsson P910a

Between Nokia 6682 & Sony Ericsson P910a, which one is better?
2 replies

Oct 27, 2005, 4:54 PM


Can someone PLEASE download the trial version of Profimail, unzip it, and email the executable file to kab17@alltel.net

I would do it but I'm not on my pc.

Oct 27, 2005, 2:21 AM

Stay or Get Out?

I just got my 6682 about 2 weeks ago. I know they took it off the market for a while and i've been having problems and i can't find a new one in any of the stores here. The manager gave me a guarantee that when the phone do come back i can exchange for a new one. So...do i stay and wait and hope the phone is better, or just get out now and get a different phone? Do you think the phone won't have as many problems as it already does? If i was to get a new phone, what would be a comparable phone to the 6682? Is the Sony s710 a good replacement?
4 replies

Oct 27, 2005, 11:15 AM

32k SIM

I am about to buy this phone and I was wondering, can I just use the 32k SIM that is in my current phone. It will be for the same provider, it is just a different brand of phone (my current phone is a Samsung).
2 replies

Oct 22, 2005, 11:13 AM

DUN with Windows XP

Has anybody got DUN working with Windows XP? When I try to connect using the "Connect to the Internet" button on Nokia PC Suite, it gets to "Verifying username and passoword..." then says "One Touch Access failed to establish a network connection. Please check the connection settings." When I check the connection settings, should I configure the connection manually? What is my:

Access Point? (MEdia Net?)

Is there another way to do it without PC Suite by just setting up a network connection in XP?


14 replies

Oct 25, 2005, 3:29 PM

Nokia 6680 with Cingular. Anyone?

I got the 6680 from HK. Wondering who else has it with Cingular. Am worried about Cingy's plans to remove 900 and go with only 850; this phone only uses 900/1800/1900 and WCDMA 2100.

Nice phone, though. I got it last September in the flesh/off white color. Came with Opera 7.x, 128MB MMC card, PTT-ready, QuickOffice, RealPlayer for that nice VGA camera, AdobeReader and two-month trials for VirusGuard and some other stuff. No Text-to-Speech.

Just below $500.

It also has pre-set mMode for AT&T, and mMode Internet wireless configurations, so I didn't have to set it up ( I wonderif that was from my AT&T SIM or from the phone).

Anyone else?
9 replies

Oct 27, 2005, 8:19 AM

Text Messages

Does anyone know how to clear out all of your text messages at once? I have sent over 400 and recieved just as much. I really don't want to hit "delete" 800 times! Thanks
1 reply

Oct 24, 2005, 3:41 PM

Which is the best phone for MP3s?

Currently I am having to take my phone and MP3 player with me when I work out and I am hoping to consolidate. Does anyone know which of the MP3 player phones work the best? I am with Cingular service and my contract is up mid November. From looking at this site it looks like my options are the 6682, s710, and the rokr (if there are others please let me know!). The 6682 looked like the best, but I just wanted an informed opinion. Also, I know this is mainly a phone, but does anyone know if there are armband carriers for these phones, like there is for the ipod? I have looked on the net a few places but I'm afraid I don't really know where to look.
8 replies

Oct 25, 2005, 8:40 PM

To-Do List in Active Standby mode

Has anyone figured out yet how to actually display your "To-Do" list in the active standby mode instead of just it showing how many items are not done?

I've been trying to figure it out and I hope it can be done, I dunno about you guys, but there's only so much of my own procrastination I can take. 😁
1 reply
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