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Nokia 6682 / 6681


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this or sony S710a?


Sep 9, 2005, 10:28 PM
Well this phone has a few more features but it costs a little more (around $310 with 2 year)
and the sony has most of the features and a better screen. I would go strait for the sony if it wasn't almost a year old so now i just don't know. So do i savve some money and get the one that will get old sooner or do i spring for the phone with a few more features and a more distant "expiration date"?

Sep 10, 2005, 5:15 PM
I will gladly sell you an S710a in perfect condition for $250 which will include a 128mb memory card and you can save your upgrade for a later time.

Sep 11, 2005, 2:15 AM
thanks for the offer but ill be a new customer, I got nextel now and it sucks down here in the gulf of mexico. Contract ends on the 19th and thats the day ill walk into the cingular shop. But I am curious, are you selling it to get this nokia? 😉 😛

Sep 11, 2005, 12:03 PM
Yes I am selling it as well as a Razr that is in MINT condition and my Nokia 6620. I have become accustomed to the Nokia smartphone (6620) and it fits my needs better than the s710, although the camera on that is great.

Sep 26, 2005, 12:56 PM
I switched from the s710a to the 6682 and I love it. The address book works much better. You can start typing the contacts name and it will narrow down the list. It comes with really great voice software (demo) and the menu is nice and fast. The phone is very customizable and can take a larger memory card then the sony.

The part that really sold me is the music player will play through a bluetooth head set.

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