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LG VX-8100


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Should i switch to the LG vx8100?


Mar 19, 2006, 6:58 PM
i recently purchased the Razr, and i liked it at first but now i am just getting sick of the slow and laggy menu system. I have thought about switching to the lg vx 8100, what do people think about the phone?

Mar 20, 2006, 10:46 AM
hmmm lets see where do i start, the razr doesnt have external memory like the 8100
so you cant put movies on it like you can the 8100 its a little movie box cool, and the basics too its a great phone much more durable
and faster software! the razr sucks sorry to say but people buy it because it looks cool well if looks are all your worried about then i guess its an ok phone but something tells me your smarter than that. go for it get the 8100 you wont be sorry!!! 😁 ohh and the stereo sound on the 8100 is great too good for mp3s or music videos

Mar 21, 2006, 1:46 AM
the razr sucks. i know a guy thats had his for 6 months and its falling apart. really the 8100 is the best phone i've ever had. worst part of it is the camera lag. so if you plan on using the camera a whole lot, your not going to be happy. other than that, you cant go wrong with this phone.

Mar 21, 2006, 2:35 PM
I had a 8100, got it when it first came out, I get bored of phones and swap them around all the time so a few weeks ago I got rid of my 8100 and decided to try the razor for awhile. Here is my opinion. The razr has a better voicedialing system and the bluetooth headsets pair and work better on the razr, you can also use the speakerphone with the phone closed and send ringtones through text messaging. Those are the pros that the razr has over the 8100. Now with that said, the 8100 has a better battery, quicker menu, expandable memory(i miss my video wallpaper) better displays. The razr outside display is worthless, i can barely read the time. The 8100 outside display you can read time, view missed calls, read text messages! Better camera on t...

Mar 23, 2006, 7:29 PM
let me get this straight you got rid of the 8100 and willingly replaced it with the razr?
my god man why? different strokes for different folks! just like my pappy hed rather buy a chevy truck than a toyota thats going to last several thousand miles more....go figure
thats why we are all individuals i guess.
the only thing i can tell about the razr is its slim ....to me not much of a selling point.

Mar 24, 2006, 11:07 AM
I just bored of the 8100 and nothing new has reaaly came out or seems near so i thought i would try it for a bit. It has some ppoints over the 8100, bluetooth for one works much better as well as voicedialing. That is about it though, it is not a bad phone but if i was new to the game and had to pick one i would go with the 8100, i just had mine awhile, i will ditch the razor as soon as some new models come out. I received my razr for free and will just ebay the crap as soon as something comes out! who knows when that will be.

Mar 28, 2006, 3:14 AM
yaa now that you mention it i think we all get a little bored with what we have. i hear ya

Mar 28, 2006, 9:39 AM
I too get bored of phones and want something new and different. I anxiously awaited the 8100 along with everyone else, got it immediately when it was released, loved it. Got Bitpim down to a science, added all my ringtones, was listening to MP3's before the player was enabled, had all the updates, re-enabled MP3 after V07, etc. etc. etc. Reasearched the darn thing into the ground and knew that phone inside and out and did all the "tricks" available. Then when there was nothing new to do with it, I got bored! Tried the 9800-too big, tried the RAZR-just totally a worthless piece of crap! Now am using the 950. The things I miss about the 8100 mainly are the outside screen (viewing text, which isn't that big of a deal since I don't text ...

Mar 28, 2006, 12:08 PM
Do you people who get bored with the phone fast just have 1 year contracts or do you just pay the early termination charge so you can get a new phone?

Mar 28, 2006, 12:45 PM
I have a 2 year contract, but am on the Merits program so I can upgrade at the discounted price every 12 months vs. 2 years (or 22 months), but I usually never have the same phone for even a year, so I usually just pay full retail.

Mar 28, 2006, 1:03 PM
That would be cool. I wish I could do that. Lucky you.

Mar 28, 2006, 1:13 PM
although marry, 2 major things i didnt like with the 950, cuz actually i got rid of it for the 8100. the instant tap for light like you said, and if you ask me for anyone that uses texting a lot samsung is shooting themselves in the foot!! thier verson of t9 called "word" has a crappy dictionary and is not expandable! 😳 👿 thats why i got rid of it. and although i liked my 670, i wont go back to samsung till they become texter friendly again. plus after having the 8100, i think i'm loyal to lg

Mar 30, 2006, 2:18 AM
all of us on here know that the 8100 is the bomb phone and it will be a while before they come out with something that matches it or surpasess it! almost every day ill be watching a video or talkin on it with my headset and someone says WOW what a cool phone and they are jealous because they have some crappy service like sprint or whatever. i guess all in all i feel pretty lucky we all should we are
at the top of the tec heap, you know for me its the video conference phone im waiting for
that will be something new! or the chip they place in your head......heee heee heee 🤣

Apr 1, 2006, 9:40 PM
I have the best new phone trick, my wife's contract is 6 moths off of mine, i sign one year contracts so i have a line available for upgrade every 6 months. Wife gets the handme down, which she is not going to complain since the last handme downs she has received have been, a 7000,8000,815. i then just ebay my old phone and put that money towrds a new one🙂 works out pretty good, sometimes i even come out ahead after rebates. My 8100 i got gor 140 on a one year and sold my 8000 for 180 on ebay so i actually mae 40 bucks🙂 sold 8100 and got the razr, broke even on that and signed no contract. Ebay is great🙂 8100's go for 160-200 bucks used on ebay right now, so if something comes out tomorrow that you want just sell your phone and throw that...

Apr 7, 2006, 5:40 PM
Mary, what is the Merits program? Forgive me, everyone is this is something I should know. But, since it sounds like a great deal, I'd love to know about it!

Mar 21, 2006, 4:18 PM
I have not used the Razr personally, although I have several friends who use it. I have been using the 8100 since last July. My impressions are that it is a better phone overall. If you are a heavy txt msgr, the 8100 is the way to go. Reception is good. The software upgrades have fixed the early sound problems.

The problems with the 8100 are:
1. Camera - delay between when you press the button and when it actually takes the picture. This is slightly better w/version 7 software upgrade.

2. Bluetooth - 8100 is very finicky about BT headsets. They MUST have noise-canceling capability, or else sound is very inconsistent and quite unacceptable.

3. Settings - need to have Enhanced Voice Privacy and Auto Volume turned off for be...

Mar 23, 2006, 6:04 PM
Why do you say Enhanced Voice Privacy and autovolume should be turned off? I use them both with no problem. While we're on the subject, what does voice privacy do?

Mar 23, 2006, 7:02 PM
I can't give you the exact technical description of what/how regarding Enhanced Voice Privacy, and some techie is going to blast me for my description, but here goes; it is some sort of mechanical, or "in phone" system to kind of enhance the digital signal "scrambling" of your voice, to prevent someone picking you up on some sort of scanner.

This feature did not function as well prior to v07 upgrade, but I can still notice a difference in call quality with it turned off.

Same for auto volume. It's much better now, but when I have my headset plugged in - have yet to find a compatible BT - the volume level is too low with auto volume on. It could just be me, but that's been my experience.

Mar 29, 2006, 11:39 PM
Not if you want simple, straightforward voice dialing. The 8100 doesn't really have voice dialing. Instead they've got something called "Voice Command" that requires at least 3 times as many words to accomplish what my old 4400 does.

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