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LG VX-8100


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Voice Activation when phone is close


Jul 21, 2005, 4:06 PM
I used to have LG VX 4400. I can call any of my number when the flip is closed by pressing the voice actiation button on the left side (below the volume button).

I cannot do that on my 8100. I hold it and it gives me a message "Voice memo not available!"

Any idea?

Also, now I notice I don't have on my contact a space to have voice dialling. Any idea I can do that on the VX8100?

Jul 21, 2005, 4:25 PM
The 8100 can dial any contact at the voice prompt simply by pronouncing the contact's name after saying "call someone..." So there's really no need to have a space in the contact list for voice dialing. The "untrained" phone can do it simply by the sound of anyone's voice!! 🤣

I don't know why this can't be done with the phone closed, except they may expect people to use Bluetooth. (??) 🙄

Mar 30, 2006, 12:47 AM
I disagree about the need for a space in the contact list for voice dialing. On the 4400 I can record separate voice dials for Lisa Cell, Lisa Home, Lisa Work and Lisa Page and get the number I want with only two words. With the 8100 it's "call someone" "lisa" "yes" IF I want her cell number. But if I want any of her other numbers I have to keep saying "no" until it hits the one I need and then an additional "yes" to confirm. And it's not just all the extra talking I have to do, it's waiting for the phone to respond between each prompt. It's just MUCH more cumbersome and for me was a killer for the 8100--it's going back tomorrow.

Mar 30, 2006, 1:13 PM
after you say lisa, and it says yes, you can say mobile, or page or whatever and it will then ask you if you want to call that one.

Mar 30, 2006, 2:23 AM
i think these guys got the wrong idea from your question, it is not possible to voice dial
with the handset closed uless your using a headset. as far as i know anybody else on the subject????? 😕

Mar 30, 2006, 1:14 PM
no, not possible. but if your not on a headset, why would you want to voice dial with the phone closed anyways? your just going to have to flip it open to talk? 😕

Apr 4, 2006, 6:14 PM
actually I had a moto i730 and it was very nice to be able to use the phone with the flip closed... it had a great speaker phone and you could voice dial or press one button to get the contacts and then scroll using the vol.
I actually used it a lot... I wish I could answer the 8100 using the speaker phone without opening up the flip...!

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