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LG VX-8100


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Jun 18, 2005, 4:04 PM
I dont understand why everyone is going crazy about this ugly phone. The e815 looks alot better than this phone. If it had a silver faceplate, it would look better.

Jun 18, 2005, 4:08 PM
To each his own I guess..We all have our own preferences..
I think it looks pretty cool myself.. But that is just my opinion!!!

Jun 18, 2005, 4:37 PM
Well I think most cell phones except for maybe the Razor and some Nokia models are generic and ugly.

I'm just looking for function. A good reliable machine with a good camera. Everything else is frosting on the cake.

I think earlier in this technology we saw some interesting designs but the era of custom faceplates is over with. Now we're into what we see in portable stereos and TVs. Generic world.

Now if we could get the simple functional simplicity of an Apple iPod Mini in various colors of brushed metal then I wouldn't be so ashamed of my phone. I try to put it in my pocket as often as possible. LG has never been a company for design it seems. My phone also is scratched with a broken screen cover. A little piece of plastic bounce...

Jun 18, 2005, 7:21 PM
dude, you can keep your ugly ass opinions to yourself. what possible point are you trying to make. how has your comments helped us? this is a forum where we can talk about and discuss the soon to be released and soon to be one of the top phones on the market.

Jun 18, 2005, 11:14 PM
Thank you gboys09! I agree with you 100%
Speaking of information on this phone, have you heard anything more?
I hope it is out sooner than mid to end of July. I need a new phone pretty badly.

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