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LG VX-8100


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Over on HOFO


Jun 4, 2005, 10:32 AM
I've been following this thread for quite a while now and I CANT wait for the 8100...anyways...over on howard forums "Stuffman" posted this two days ago...
Today, quite frustrated with the lack of information regarding the release of the VX8100, I decided to hit up 4 of the local Verizon dealers to see if I could get them to divulge any information (they are pretty locked down with NDAs, so I had to be crafty to get the answers I was looking for).

First stop was the official Verizon Store. Suprisingly, I was able to stand there for nearly three minutes without being accosted by a salesperson. I told him that my contract was ending soon (it is), and that I was interested in the VX8000, but heard the 8100 was to be released at

Jun 4, 2005, 11:36 AM
Well I'm still going with when i see it in a store it'll be out although that does sound hopefull.

Jun 4, 2005, 12:21 PM
Hey I manage a Radioshack store we find out about the phones in our Info Center in an internal website. I just checked it and There is no mention of the LG VX-8100. SO theres no chance any radioshack knows when its being released. Everyone is going off the rumors online. You say best buy was was not helpful well thats because they are the most honest. Think about your approach next time.

Jun 4, 2005, 12:45 PM
Sharkzfanz is right, I'm an Authorized Verizon Agent & Info Center is the only way we know. & it's got nothing! I would really like it to be true cuz my LG6000 is about toast! 🙂

Jun 4, 2005, 12:50 PM
Your lucky it's ABOUT toast. The faceplate on mine fell off the ringer doesn't work and the camera broke. lol

Jun 4, 2005, 2:56 PM
just to let you know even the direct stores don't get that info till about 2 weeks till a phone is ready to come out think about it, if verizon let the stores or the reps no a month or two in advance then it gives time for the competition to get ready with their own equipment that would be comparable or better as well

Jun 4, 2005, 1:16 PM
Hey, I work at a Best Buy and I have been keeping an eye out for the 8100 for months now . Because a lot of the time when we are going to be carrying an item it pops into our system early and we can see how much it will be also.....howev er it hasn't popped into our system

Jun 4, 2005, 4:23 PM
Its going to be around July for $250 with a two year contract. 🙂

Jun 11, 2005, 10:55 PM
How and where do you get this information?

Jun 13, 2005, 10:14 AM
before or after rebate?

Jun 11, 2005, 10:53 PM
I don't think so!. Radio Shacks are individually owned.. not a chain like Circuit city or Mc Donalds..
One Radio Shack might know more than another. Sorry!!!

Jun 11, 2005, 11:41 PM
I would Just like to point out that Circuit City Locations are actually Verizon kiosks With Verizon employees. We all get our info at the Same place. We really don't get a release date until about a week or two before. We would have nothing to gain by Lieing about it. Why do you think So many of us are reading in this Forum So much?

Jun 13, 2005, 8:06 AM
pking33 said:
I don't think so!. Radio Shacks are individually owned.. not a chain like Circuit city or Mc Donalds..
One Radio Shack might know more than another. Sorry!!!

What are you smoking??? Radio Shack's ARE chains like Circuit City and Best Buy. And they are all linked into the same database. If 1 knows something, they all have access to the same information.

And McDonalds is a franchise establishment that is individually owned. Some locations are corporate, but most are franchise locations (individually owned).

You might want to research things before you post information so boldly inaccurate.

Jun 13, 2005, 9:15 AM
WOW!!! Did I strike a nerve or do you need your coffee this morning to get going.. Relax buddy.. We all have rights to post here..
I don't know what your talking about, but where I live, the Radio Shacks are all individually owned.. The owner in our area told me that.. He also said that what one might have the other might not..Same with the information on products..
So according to our radio shack, I do have my facts straight..
But thanks for caring.

Jun 6, 2005, 8:49 AM
Just a thought........ I really wish customers would just beleive us (VZW reps) when we say that we have no idea when this is getting released. We have all the resources in the world: Account Managers, LG reps, Internal websites, etc.... And we NEVER know when something is coming untill it comes out (sometimes MAYBE a week in advance at most). It's not that customers bother us, we actually like talking to customers about upcoming phones and networks and all of that (most of us anyway) because we're into this stuff, but we really don't know release dates. So if you ask and we say "I don't know" please, believe us and don't think that we're holding out. We don't have any info on it. And for the record: all of my resources have said "HOPEFULLY...

Jun 7, 2005, 9:56 AM

All reps are kept in the dark on release dates until about a week before the phone comes out. Usually it just shows up. The only people who have this information are regional managers and maybe a DM if they brown nose enough.

Jun 9, 2005, 7:14 PM
the only way we indirects know is when we get teased by the retail channels who can order a month (45 days to be exact) before we can. But we hear around the same time. AS i've said before, and to agree with vxw22, "Hopefully june" is the most acfcurate info to date.

Jun 12, 2005, 9:48 PM
I went back to the Verizon store yesterday, and spoke with another salesperson. They said either later this month or early next month... grr.

Jun 14, 2005, 9:06 AM
If I may repeat some of my earlier post: WE DON"T KNOW! If a VZW rep tells you "later this month" they are simply guessing. All we have herd from account managers, LG reps, etc....is POSSIBLY by the end of June, early July. You have to also concider that VZW must approve the handset first. It is still in testing as we speak. We all (agents, reps, etc...) have a spreadsheet called the "Approved Handset List", and it has yet to show up on that list. Typically, once it gets on the list, it is released within a month or so...sometimes longer, sometimes within a couple of weeks. It takes some time because LG will not produce a ton of them before VZW approves them incase someting fails during testing. So once VZW approves, they'll place an order w...

Jun 14, 2005, 2:50 PM
Thanks for your honesty, vzw22. 😁 I don't know where others who say it has been approved are getting their information. Maybe they have some type of inside stuff they can get their hands on. Can the same phone (vX 8100, for example) be available at different times in different areas? Or is the phone released to all at the same time?

Jun 14, 2005, 10:02 PM
well, it CAN be released to some markets before others, but very rarely. I have seen it before, but a long time ago. My opinion: 99.9% sure it will get released nationwide, but I'm no insider, just a seasoned veteran.

Jun 14, 2005, 10:20 PM
as i just posted in another thread, the list in the northeast was updated on june 9th and it does include the 8100. i would post the spreadsheet listing but don't really wanna get fired. But as has been said before, this doesn't mean it will be released very soon, could be weeks could be a month or two. When i looked under the other regions their lists were all outdated (late may or older). The sooner we get it the happier I'll be, but we'll have to sell through the 8000 first. I wouldn't be surprised if the price came down or the rebate goes up after the current promo's end (june19th). people can choose to belive that some of us are reps or agents and some will believe we aren't. but those of us that are know what the others are talking abo...

Jun 15, 2005, 12:33 PM
I could be wrong but I believe that the 7000 was released in the DC market before it was released here in the Midwest market. I believe it is possible that some market's infocenter could have this phone on there and other market's infocenter do not have the 8100 on it yet...

Jun 16, 2005, 10:42 AM
True....lets also remember that not all markets have EVDO. VZW may choose to not release all EVDO phones in all markets, especially the markets that don't have the EVDO services.

Jun 16, 2005, 5:07 PM
we don't have evdo in tucson and we got the 3 (vx8000, a890, cdm 8940) in line with the rest of the nation. As astutely posted by the other agents, though, that doesn't mean a whole lot.

Jun 16, 2005, 10:44 PM
vzw22 is 100% correct. verizon does not let us know much more then a week before its released. im corp verizon store tech in nm and ive heard the same thing late june or july, but that is just really hear say i can say that most verizon employees including myself are really wanting this phone to come out cause we want it too.

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