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Sony Ericsson S710a


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Just got mine! But, I have a few questions...


Jun 9, 2005, 6:07 PM
Sorry if these questions appear frequently, i tried searching and didnt get really clear answers to my questions.

First, do you have to have an email account with one of the three providers that are listed on your phone in order to send/receive email? I read a couple things about having gmail and others set up, but i cant quite figure that out. I was just wondering so i could email pics to myself or others.

Second, I havent played with making mp3 ringtones yet, but is itunes the best way? Or is there something better, i found a couple posts about a "ringtone ripper" and "handset manager" are those better options?

And last, ive had the phone for a whole day now so i havent used it enough to really decide, but those of you who have ha...

Jun 10, 2005, 1:25 AM
POP3 email accounts are best for sending email with your phone. Google "free pop3". Typically tho your ISP gives you a free pop account.

as for ringtones, i use iTunes to "rip" my songs from CDs, then locate the file on my hard drive, then bluetooth it to my phone. I would stay away from stuff like "ringtone ripper" etc. useless garbage really. iTunes is great. Just make sure you are encodeing the files to .mp3s and not .aac (in preferences).

Ive had my s710a now for 3 days. I also switched from a t616. Sure its bigger, but its soo much cooler, and WAY more powerful. i love it. I use my Mac to sync with my calendar/addressbook. Very cool. easy bluetooth transfers too! s710a + a Mac w/ bluetooth = hell yeah 😎

Is your name Ka...

Jun 10, 2005, 11:27 AM
otsego said:
Is your name Kara btw? (just a shot in the dark)

Sorry dude, last time i checked downstairs nothing was missing. 🤣

But thanks for the answers, appreciate the help.

Jun 10, 2005, 12:32 PM
if this is the same KB from the IGN boards, i know his name 😉

Jun 10, 2005, 4:52 PM

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