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Motorola V551 / V330 / V547 / V555 / V557


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780 or 820 mAh?


Feb 12, 2005, 2:01 PM
I just received my V551 yesterday. The phone is brand new with a 3.6 V, 780 mAh battery.

The information in this forum states that the battery is 820 mAh and some others here also said that the battery should be 820 mAh. But from posts here, I saw many of us have the 780 mAh batteries.

Is 780 mAh battery standard for V551? Does anybody here have new V551 with 820 mAh? Or does Motorola simply tries to save money by downgrading the battery to 780 mAh from 820?

Feb 25, 2005, 6:39 AM
Wayne, I've gotten two V551's so far, one through ATTWS and one through Cingular and both have the 780. You might be best off going to the store and asking if they carry the 820mAh. I'll try doing the same and will post the results here.

Feb 27, 2005, 12:54 AM
krav, thanks for the reply. I look forward to your result. I order through web and cannot ask that easily.

I found one on-line ads stating a 800mAh bat for V551, while the image shows 720mAh.

Mar 13, 2005, 1:16 AM
wayne1234, I went to the store today. The guy there knew nothing about batteries. He said that the only batteries they sell are the ones that come with the phones. The one in his phone was 780.

Oh well.

Mar 16, 2005, 1:48 AM

Thanks for the follow-up. I haven't seen anybody saying their battery is 820 mAh yet. Might be a marketing trick. Or Moto just lied to us by saying 820 mAh in the specs, while providing 780 mAh instead.

I saw on one web site that claimed it has "800 mAh" battery for V552. The battery photo was not very clear but looked like 720 mAh.

Mar 17, 2005, 3:40 AM
Yeah, given that no one else has responded to this thread, odds are that we've all got the 780 mAh. I'm actually stopping by another store this week (want to exchange my phone, it's been getting lots of static) and will ask them about batteries.

If they have any new info. will let you know.

Mar 21, 2005, 5:44 PM

Well, went to another cingular store today, had to exchange my phone anyway. They mentioned that they get lots of battery complaints on the phone. Also, they knew nothing about an 820mAh batter either. Looks like we'll be using the 780 then.


Mar 22, 2005, 11:09 PM

Thanks a lot for the final follow-up. This settles things down regarding the 780 vs 820 mAh issue.

My battery life is just average. But I figure that it should be able to last two years of recharging. Overall, the phone is good.

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