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LG VX-6100


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Force Mode?


Dec 22, 2004, 11:43 AM
Please bear with me as I am a cell phone novice. I've read some threads that have suggested changing the Mode from Automatic. I went into Menu "0" and looked around in there and found that the Forced Mode options are Automatic (the default setting), Cell Only, PCS Only, CDMA and Analog. What do these mean?

Assuming I use my cell phone 99% of the time in the heavily populated (and mostly digitally equipped) NY Tri-State area (I've never seen anything but "1x" on my display), would any of the 6100's supposed problems -- RF and/or volume bug -- be alleviated by "forcing" one of the modes other than Automatic? If so, which one, and why?

Dec 22, 2004, 5:46 PM
Yes. 'Cell'. Will force it to a 800mHZ freq. carrier

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