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How To: MP3 to .mid


Nov 15, 2004, 4:28 PM
i have been unsuccessful in trying to convert choped up mp3 files to .mid files and emailing them to my phone. if anyone knows how to, please let me know.

i have looked through the other mp3 ringtones forums and haven't clearly understood the directions.

Please let me know if someone is willing to explain.

Nov 16, 2004, 1:20 AM
your mp3 files have to bee smaller than 100k, be mono, and i have my bitrate set at like 32, but if you have a really short clip, you can up the bitrate. after you have the mp3 set, just rename it to .mid, then either thru vzwpix.com or just email straight to your phone

Nov 26, 2004, 6:57 PM
You cant just rename an MP3 to an MID, they are in different file formats. Unless you have a converter there is no way, even if you did convert it the file size would be too large

Dec 5, 2004, 12:57 AM
sorry Prec, but you are incorrect. just rename the file to .mid I just did about 20 of them for my gf's new 6100. If you try to play the .mid file now on your computer, it might not play correctly, but the phone plays it.

Dec 22, 2004, 7:47 PM
this isn't to convert or anything, it's just to get past verizon's requirements since they would prefer we don't go using MP3's on our phones; to be able to send the file, it must be renamed to .mid so that VZ will be happy

Dec 26, 2004, 7:00 AM
I just did the conversion exactly as stated and my phone won't open the message...what gives?

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